Allistor's Journey (All Star)

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Exiting his home, Allistor began his run through the village, as he didn't want to be disturbed while on his morning jog. He hoped that no one would try to slow him down and bowl him over as he dashed along. Life for him was a bit unstable at the start for Allistor - but after many years, he had gotten to this point where there was no looking back. He may not be the brightest out of his brothers, but he wanted to show them that he had a bright goal in mind. Ignoring some of the children who attempted to laugh at him, Allistor shook this off before proceeding to continue his run.

He had been a great runner since he was a young lad, and after many years - Allistor still enjoyed running for fun. Even if his purpose behind running used to revolve around leading an army into battle. He had developed many rules for the citizens to follow and today - he wanted to show them something new as he approached the town hall, the recent gift that he had retrieved from across the Atlantic Ocean / North Sea. More precisely from the Nordics. As he came to where it had been placed, he knew that this would be a great acceptance from his trading partner. Opening it up - he was surprised when he had been strangely given some new hiking gear. But then, he had retrieved a sudden errand in the form of a scroll on finding it towards the bottom of the trade box.

Accepting this errand, that was when Allistor decided to go out and discover more of this village that he had grown up in. Nearby, were some unknown woods that he was once told to not enter. But now that he was of age and trusted enough - it was finally time to head towards these woods.

But the only way to get there, was to go through the backstreets. He didn't care about the dangers as he dashed into them with a sword, bow and arrows at his disposal. Once he had successfully made it into the forests - he noticed how there was a strange glow coming from up ahead.

Allistor had remembered the legendary tale of a strange temple that seemed to glow only for those that have a pure heart. And as he was the one with a pure heart - it appeared to have chosen him as its first-ever explorer.

But as Allistor dashed across the forest floor, it suddenly became a bit chilly. He looked up and noticed how some clouds had begun to gather. He was determined to keep going with this quest even if it did suddenly begin to snow. After having run across the now-snow-covered ground for some time, Allistor suddenly had to stop his pursuit when he noticed how the lake had been frosted over in ice.

In sheer determination, Allistor wasn't going to let this little set-back slow him down as he then decided to skate across the ice until he had managed to get across to the other side. Once he had got there - he turned around and noticed how the ice had started to melt. Not minding this, that was when he decided to continue on this trek. Eventually - that was when Allistor had finally made it to his destination.

Walking towards an altar that was inside, he read the note that was on the side of the pedistal before understanding that to unlock whatever he needed to retrieve for the village - he had to make an offering. Pulling out a few coins and treasures that had been lying around at home - Allistor looked around to make sure no one was going to jump him and no traps were going to be set off as he gently placed the items onto the altar. He was amazed as the doors ahead of him opened up to reveal a small box.

Knowing what this could mean, that was when Allistor decided to take the box before running off back towards the village.

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