the strange dream.

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Karna lay in his courtyard, tired. The stars twinkled above him as he stared at the moonlit sky. A sweet smile spread upon his face as his eyelids grew heavy and slowly, he began to drift off, to a peaceful slumber.

He stood in the battlefield. There was nothing but destruction that was visible all over the field. Dead corpses surrounded him as the stench of blood filled his nostrils. Karna felt dizzy as he witnessed all this. Why was he here? What was going on in here? He wondered as the scene changed.

There was a big sabha going on. Somebody was laughing like a maniac as the screams of a woman echoed through the room. He saw himself seated on a throne in the middle of somebody, the persons' faces weren't clear.

"You are nothing but a whol," he found himself who was seated on the throne say. "Let's disrobe her and show her raw beauty in front of the entire sabha," said the person who sat next to him.

He was frozen as he saw in front of his eyes, another man wickedly running to the woman and tugging at her sari. The woman was screaming for help, then he saw her fold her hands in prayer, as if to a god. "Krishna, Govinda. My sakha. Help me. Help me keep my dignity amidst these filthy creatures who are worse than animals," she cried. Everyone who surrounded him laughed out loud, as all other men hung their heads in shame.

"Oh, oh," the man next to him said sarcastically to the woman. "You think that cowherd will save you huh?"

He saw as the man tugged at the woman's sari, more garments appeared on top of her. The man tried and tried and tried until he was tired and fainted.

The scene changed again as Karna's heartbeat increased. What is going on? Why is he involved in all these nonsense? He thought as he returned to the battlefield again.

He saw his own dead comrades held by a woman. "He's my sun, he's my sun," the woman cried her heart out.

The scene changed again as he was back in the courtyard. He was standing there, wondering what just had happened. "Was it all a dream or a reality?" He questioned to nothingness.

He heard a melodious chuckle fill his courtyard. He looked around to find a very divinely beautiful man standing before him, a serene smile adorning his face. He wore yellow clothes and had a peacock feather on his crown. Anyone who looked at him could say he was royal, yet there was something so different about him. His eyes shone with a knowingness and wisdom. He looked charming, and Karna felt he was drowning into his eyes, he felt all his worries being wiped away merely with a smile of the man.

"Who, who are you?" Karna asked.

"I am someone, and no one," the man replied. "See you tomorrow," the person said before vanishing into thin air.

Karna was disappointed. He was confused. He was losing it, he felt. Karna gasped and woke up, in his courtyard.

So, it was all a dream? Karna thought as he stood up from where he lay and went inside his house, a million questions running through his mind, unanswered.

a/n, guys. I'm here with a new book. It's my first time trying upon Mahabharata or its characters. Yes, I've written a story on our Madhav Parth, that's true. But, a story like this, it's my first time. Forgive me if it's not up to your expectations.Can you guess who the person who met Karna was? What do you think Karna saw first, and second, and last? How was the prolog? Vote, comment, and support.

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