PART 6||Uninvited Guest

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Lenora and Sharon lounged under a large umbrella at the lawn sipping juice. It was almost midday and the sun had come up, spreading its glow and warmth. Brunch had finished and each person had retreated their corner. Out of habit, Sharon’s eyes hovered to where each of her children were. Sal had returned to the house, Ojay and Arrey's loud screams were running around kicking a ball and then Ethan.

"Ethan! Stay in the sunlight, you're not a vampire!" She yelled as Ethan walked into the house. Knowing how introverted her oldest could be, he could stay indoors playing his guitar. Ethan gave her a defeated look and continued walking.

"Ah Sha, if you know how my heart is dancing just watching Natalia laugh like this eh," Lenora said smiling.

"I know what you feel. Everytime Jema smiles, I want to jump up and shout for joy," Sharon said with  a proud smile. A moment of silence passed between them where both women watched Jema say something inaudible to Natalia and she laughed in response. The sound of her laughter was like music to Lenora's ears.

"You know, after several miscarriages following Ethan's birth, I gave up then God sent me Jema. No matter how broken she was, I chose her. I must have done something good in God's eyes for him to reward me with the twins," Sharon said. Lenora reached for her hand and squeezed it in support. Just then, her phone rang. She saw the number of the screen and froze.


Natalia pushed herself softly on the swing as Jema left to get ice cream. She'd was enjoying the soft breeze Jema called her name with a sudden urgency.

"What is it Jema?" She asked, alarm bells ringing in her head.

"Natalia, there's something I need to tell you," Jema managed to say, her voice barely a whisper.

"What? You're scaring me," Natalia asked fearfully. She hated the silence in-between her question and Jema's response.

"I overheard Aunt Lenora speaking on the phone earlier. It was your father. He found out that you and her aren't actually at her house this weekend like you were supposed to be." She said.

Fear gripped Natalia as she imagined the impending confrontation with her father. Michael and her Uncle Sal had never seen eye to eye, and her father had always been adamant about keeping her away from his family.

Thirty minutes later, the sound of a car honking several  times outside filled the air. Michael had arrived, and he was clearly not in a forgiving mood. Lenora glanced at Sal and Sharon, silently pleading for their support, as she ushered Natalia towards the front door.

Michael leaned outside his vehicle, a scowl on his face and his hands folded.

"Get inside the car Natalia!" He shouted, his voice laced with fury.

"Please, Michael, let her stay just one more day. We'll be back tomorrow. Give us this time together." Lenora pleaded.

"You brought her here knowing full well that I don't want her close to this family. That's betrayal!" Michael said.

"Mike, at least come inside let's talk like adults. You're scaring the kids," Sal addressed Michael as the twins fearfully clutched both of his arms.

"Natalia, get inside!" He ignored his brother and repeated, taking two steps forward.

"Michael..." Lenora began to say then..

"No!" Natalia's sharp voice interrupted her. Everyone stopped and stared at her as if she'd just spoken a foreign language.

"I'm staying with mom," She said defiantly, wrapping her arms around her mother. Lenora reciprocated by leaning closer to her daughter, assuring her of her support.

"You've brainwashed my daughter, haven't you?" Michael's accusing stare left from Lenora to Michael.

"I will deal with you all. This is kidnapping and I will get the police involved!" Michael shouted.

"She's found her voice Michael and she's made her choice,"  Sharon said.

"Shut your mouth!"Michael yelled.

"Michael, you will respect my wife or else..." Sal threatened. Michael frowned and focused his eyes on Natalia.

"You want to stay right? Suit yourself. You might as well move in with her," Michael barked, got into his vehicle and drove away.


Michael drove for about 30 minutes with his heart racing and his chest feeling tighter and tighter. He parked his vehicle by the side of the road and  unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt.

"Betrayal! All of you!" He yelled, slapping his steering wheel continuously until his palms ached. He picked up his phone and stared at his contacts and dialled.

"Art?" He said with a gruff voice


The Whiskey burned his throat but that didn't stop him from taking another shot. He needed something to clear his head and the spirit was giving him a different kind of energy.

"Slow down man and tell me what's happening," Arthur said. He had called Arthur to meet him at this bar so he could  talk but for 15 minutes, he wasn't able to put words together.
"They have taken her," Michael said, staring straight ahead.
"Who has taken who man?" Arthur stared at his friend who looked like his whole world was crashing down.
"Natalia," He responded.
"Natalia has been taken, kidnapped?" Arthur said alarmed and confused.
"I will deal with all of them. Lenora, Eyong, Sharon. All of them will pay for brainwashing my daughter!" Michael swore.
Arthur listened Michael rant, the information coming out in disjointed pieces until he deduced what had happened.

"So Natalia wants to stay with her mother?" Arthur said.
"Imagine that! After everything I have done for her, she betrays me like this? She owes me her life!" Michael's voice increased.
"Mike, children should be able to decide." Art said.
"Damn you Art! Whose side are you on?" Michael exploded, slamming his palm into the table and waking up with so much force, his chair fell backwards.
"Calm down Mike, I'm just saying, Natalia is your daughter and not an investment where you're waiting to receive interest," Art stated but stopped, realising Michael wasn't in any state to listen.
"How dare you! Should children not be grateful for what we do for them?" Michael asked.
Arthur just stared at him, knowing everything he said would be blown out of proportion.
Michael stood up, staggered and headed for the door.
"Let me drive you home, you shouldn't be behind the wheel, " Art offered, standing up but Michael waved him away.


"Mom?" Lenora jumped when she heard Natalia's whisper over her bed. It was dark, about 10pm and everyone in the Eyong Sal household was asleep. She made out Natalia form in the dark and immediately switched on the bedside lamp.
"What is it love?" She asked, her own heart starting to race.
"Something is wrong with my father. I can feel it. I shouldn't have stayed back.  Maybe, I should go," Natalia said trembling.


Author's Notes
Thank you for reading.
This chapter is short and tense
Isn't it beautiful that Natalia found her voice?

Question: Have you ever confrontated your parents and stood your ground, how did that go?

Remember to vote and comment, let me hear your thoughts.
See you for another interesting chapter.

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