"Hoi breppin." I sed 2 hym as he climd in mi car.
"Hoi Rian, r u redy 4 hour dayte?" He akesd.
"Ye bb! 4 shore!" I sed enthooseasticle.
We god to the Dary Kween on the Pent hose of owr aphartmint komplex.
"Wut do u wunt, bb?" He askid mi, his dempled cheek muving in hte slytests.
"I wuld lyke salted carmle blisard, plese.""U kno what I lyke salted?" He wispurd in mah ear. "U." I wus bee bloshin and choked on mah own yoovulah. He ordured 4 us lik a noiCe gemtleman and we tok owr icecrem to the ruof.
"I luv u!" I showted, theenking abowt hte carmle. We stud klose to the ege of the bilding. Breppin tirnd his back on mi and faced the cite. "Breppin?" I askid cumcerned. He sudinly terned his hed 180 degres on his neck to lok at meh.
"I iz not hoo u think I iz, Rian." Then he fel 4wards off the bilding.
"Breppin!" I scremed and ran 2 the ege. There breppin stod in mid-air, his iys wer red and dimonic. His har looked lefy and his skin bark lyke.
"I iz tree." He sed and floo away.
The Tree Fic
FanfictionWhy tf would anyone even think of an idea like this, let alone write it. Fr. Get us some help