First and (thankfully) last chapter

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"Hoi breppin." I sed 2 hym as he climd in mi car.

"Hoi Rian, r u redy 4 hour dayte?" He akesd.

"Ye bb! 4 shore!" I sed enthooseasticle.


We god to the Dary Kween on the Pent hose of owr aphartmint komplex.

"Wut do u wunt, bb?" He askid mi, his dempled cheek muving in hte slytests.
"I wuld lyke salted carmle blisard, plese."

"U kno what I lyke salted?" He wispurd in mah ear. "U." I wus bee bloshin and choked on mah own yoovulah. He ordured 4 us lik a noiCe gemtleman and we tok  owr icecrem to the ruof.

"I luv u!" I showted, theenking abowt hte carmle. We stud klose to the ege of the bilding. Breppin tirnd his back on mi and faced the cite. "Breppin?" I askid cumcerned. He sudinly terned his hed 180 degres on his neck to lok at meh.

"I iz not hoo u think I iz, Rian." Then he fel 4wards off the bilding.

"Breppin!" I scremed and ran 2 the ege. There breppin stod in mid-air, his iys wer red and dimonic. His har looked lefy and his skin bark lyke.

"I iz tree." He sed and floo away.

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