Chapter 1

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"Lily, hurry up and come downstairs already!"

"One second", Lily called back, looking again into the mirror.

There she was, standing in front of the full-length mirror, ready to start another year in Hogwarts. Once more she tried to comb through her red half-up done hair and made sure the bow that she put was as straight as it could possibly be. She was not yet wearing her Gryffindor uniform, but a smile t-shirt and light-washed jeans, opting to be comfortable on the journey and changing later in the train.

She smiled at her reflection once again before grabbing her bag and leaving her room behind. Without containing her excitement, she skipped down the stairs of their family house to find the rest of the Potter's already assembled in the hallway.

Her parents both stood in the hallway, her mother trying to tame Albus' hair while talking to him animatedly, her brother just looking done. Her dad in the meantime, grabbed the last suitcase and went out of the door to their drive way. Her oldest brother, James, however just stood there grinning at the whole display, holding the cage of their tiny family owl Gippy. However, this picture changed as quickly as Lily made it down the last step.

Her mother turned around, her red hair that Lily got from her, flowing as she spined around to look at her daughter. "There you are, finally."

Without taking a breath the continued "Did you pack everything? Made sure you got all your books, the necessary ingredients for the first few classes of potions? You know you can only go to Hogsmead in a few weeks..."

"Mom, please," Lily sighed and interrupted her before it could turn into a whole ten-minute monologue of her mother. "Of course, I double-checked. And even if I forgot something you can easily send it to me."

To make it even more believable she put on her best 'it's true' smile. Naturally she tried to pack everything and not leave at home, but she already knew she forgot something. It was the one thing all the Potter siblings had in common. At the end of the first week, they usually met up before breakfast and wrote down a list of all the things that they forgot and asked their parents to send to them. It was funny, really. Every year, since James started going to Hogwarts 6 years ago, this was how it went.

"Mom, you know us. We really should leave now," her brother Albus came to her rescue, taking their mother's arm to stir her towards the door.

"That's exactly why I keep asking you!" Ginny exclaimed and ran her hand through her hair before clapping once. "Anyways, I am already expecting your letter later this week."

With that, she clapped a few more times, before hushing the three siblings to the car.

Their dad had already packed all the suitcases into the trunk, with the help of an extension spell, and took this seat in the drivers' seat. While they were all wizards and could easily use more convenient transportation, it was somewhat comforting to be squished between her two older brothers, going to Hogwarts. As long as Lily could remember it has been this way and she wouldn't change it for a (more comfortable) thing. After all it was James' last year at Hogwarts and therefore the last year all three of them would go together. The whole thought made her a little sad.

But Lily tried not to dwell too long on that thought. She was on her way to her fifth year in Hogwarts. A brand new, exciting year. A year full of confusion, love, conflict and secrets – she just didn't know about all that yet.


When Harry parked the car in a tiny space in front of King's Cross it was only a matter of seconds before all three siblings leaped out of the car into the fresh, London air.

Wizard Love / A Harry Potter Next Generation Fanfiction / English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now