Chapter 2

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Merlin, finally a free compartment.

Lily walked through half of the train before finding a compartment without any people. Her brothers both wandered off by themselves and even Rose and Hugo found other friends to sit with. Just, as usual, her two best friends where nowhere to be seen.

She dragged herself into the compartment before slumping down on next to the window. There were still a few minutes left before the train would leave the station, so as she knew Roxanne and her family, they would probably just now arrived and hurried to catch the train. It was fine she would get here soon enough.

As for Dominique....

"Lily there you are!!" The door opened and there she was in all her glory. Dominique, or just Dom as Lily called her, her cousin and one of her best friends. Fifth year just like herself in Gryffindor. As usual she looked gorgeous, her long blonde hair, that she got from her mother, falling in perfect curls down her shoulders, the blue eyes sparkling and a flowery dress, fitting her perfectly. God, her cousin was stunning, it was unfair.

"Dom!", Lily exclaimed equally as excited, jumping up again to meet her in a bone-crushing hug. "Merlin, I missed your crazy ass!"

"And how much I missed yours," Dominique giggled and let her go, throwing herself on the opposite seat. While she looked lady-like she was down-to-earth just like Lily. Always down to do something crazy. "Tell me everything, how was your life the past few weeks."

"I mean, it's not like much happened since we last saw each other," Lily started. She and Dom had met together with Roxy just a few weeks ago in London for a little girls weekend. Also, they all had a vivid letter exchange going on, where they updated each other on all the news that happened. "The question is more, what happened on vacation in France? Any cute boys you met there?"

"I just love Paris," Dominque sighed. "Mom always makes us go to different places too, but this time whenever I could I would go around Paris by myself and, boy oh boy, are there some cuties! Nothing too major but I definetely got some nice eye-candy."

"Jealous." Lily laughed, in the moment the train started to move. With one last look outside the window, she saw her family standing together, waving at them. Dom and her waving back until the station was no longer in sight and they continued their little conversation about their holidays.

"Where even is Roxy?" Lily asked after a while, once the train drove through the nice landscape of England.

"Merlin knows where that girl is", Dominique just answered back and grinned. "She probably saw everyone she knows and got distracted. You know her. We'll probably just see her back at the castle."

"Yeah you're right. Wouldn't be the first time"

Lily truly loved her two best friends. While all three of them shared the same house, they couldn't be more different. Well, not completely but different enough that they kept things interesting over the years they've known each other. After all, growing up together did automatically make them best friends, like people assumed, only after they really started to hang out on a daily basis when they started going to Hogwarts did they grow close like sisters.

When Lily was younger, she was way closer to her cousin Rose and Hugo, since they lived not far from them and they saw each other almost every week several times. While she and Hugo always had some different interest, she got along with Rose very well. Even during her first year in Hogwarts, she would still follow the older girl around, but after a while, Rose seemed go get annoyed at that. Well, not just Lily. Over the years things have changed, but puberty did that to people, she guessed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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