the ones part 1 (crackfic)

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farquaad's POV:
as i went up to get my vomit green coloured mug, i had an idea, maybe i should break up with that  bf of mine, i decided to go to  my magic mirror on the wall

"mirror on the wall, should i break up with my bf, draco malfunction" i asked
"yas girly pop, he's being such a gaslight gatekeep boyboss (idk draco a boy)
"oh, thank you for finishing my idea, i should tell him i want to break up with him" i answered
i went to draco/dracirella's room to ask him, but i was so nervous uwuuwuwu
"d-d-d-draco, could i break up with you?" i asked
"but my mirror said i should" i said
"ok f-f-fine, farquawky warky boo boo bear" he answered
"bye, i have to sign the papers" i replied
*after signing up the papers*
"may you, the divorcee say your final words to your ex?" duo asked
"y-y-yes, d-d-duo chan.." draco replied
i then left the court room, to use my phone to talk to shrek, my ex
"hey there baba gril how you doing?" shrek asked
"i'm doing ok, i js divorced draco because he kept using me for money and was gatekeeping me, he also kept attempting to be a malewife" i replied
"wanna come to my home?" shreky weky boo boo asked
"sure, shreky weky boo boo, also don't mind me calling you that, even if that reminds you of  my ex being a malewife" i answered
i then stopped texting him and starting going to the airport to go to his home
*in the plane*
(i'm the alpha i'm the leader starts playing in my airpods pro)
"hey there, duo, why are you going to shrek's city" i asked
"i heard there was a case where grammarly tried to kill sentient sandwich from adventure time city just for teaming with her enemy on trd"
duo replied
"oh, so that's why you u here" i said

once we were there, i had then went to shreks home and then kissed him

"shreky weky boo boo im so glad your here!!" i said

(also nonolui if your reading this quit being so dramatic over grammar its a crackfic nobody cares about grammar)

after making out for 2 hours, i was watching total drama island

"wanna play trd, bbg?" shreky weky boo boo asked, in the smeggiest deep voice he could say it in

"sure, shreky weky boo boo" i answered

*after playing trd and teamin*

"that trd game was soo fun, gorly pop" i said

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