the ones part 2

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farquaad's POV:
"so how was fiona?" i asked, while twirling my ebony black hair
"horrible, she was acting like she "wAsN't LiKe OtHeR gIrLs" when she was in fact, always acting like the other girls since they always say that" shrek answered, as he was going out of the door to get the groceries at donkeymart
"oh." i said, as i was cooking dinner for him
i then went to my bed to get my pink slippers
after shrek came back, i then went back to cooking dinner, porridge, like we usually eat
"what did you get, shreky weky boo boo?🥺🥺🥺" i asked
"bread, pancake batter and some veggies" he replied to me, as he was putting the grocery bag on the table
"oh! that's wonderful!" i gasped in excitement, ready to add the veggies to complete our vegetable porridge
i then sat down and started eating dinner with him
*after dinner*
i then went to sleep, after posing in my bed with my strawberry squishmallow

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