Search and Rescue

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7 months later~

You were standing in an elevator with Jackie by your side. You were spinning a pistol around in your hand while waiting for yourselves to reach the designated floor.

As the elevator descended, the familiar hum of the machinery filled the air, creating a tense silence between you and Jackie. The weight of the mission ahead pressed upon you, causing your fingers to tighten around the pistol's grip.

Jackie glanced at you, a mixture of excitement and apprehension in his eyes.

Jackie: You ready for this, V?

He asked, his voice laced with determination.

You nodded, a quiet resolve settling over you.

(Y/n): Yeah, Jackie. Bug, Can you tell us more about the target?"

A screen of a dark skinned woman with a shaved head pops up in the corner of your screen.

T-Bug: Only the deets of what our fixer sent us. Target's Velvet Scarlatina, Rabbit Faunas. Target went mute a couple hours back. Suspected abduction. Target could've possibly flatlined already. Not sure you're in time.

Jackie rolls his eyes and shook his head disapprovingly.

Jackie: We're in time, Bug. Sure, you're on phones, but... that don't make you any less a part of this squad.

T-Bug: "Squad." Charming.

The elevator doors opened, revealing a dimly lit hallway. You and Jackie stepped out, your senses heightened as you moved forward. The urgency of the situation pushed you to scan the surroundings, searching for any signs of danger.

(Y/n): Room number Bug?

T-Bug: Lookin' for twelve thirty-seven. Target should be inside. Fingers crossed it's not too late.

You spot the numbers matching T-bugs' description. Both Jackie and yourself set up at the door. Noticing it locked, you scan it then trip the security lock and enter quietly.

Jackie: Low profile!

Jackie says with enthusiasm to himself as he points his dual pistols forward.

You spot a rag-covered corpse on the medical chair. You reluctantly reach for the tag and pull it off finding a brunette with her stomach cut open. It wasn't her which you were relieved however felt sorry for the u lucky gal. You scan her to see that she was chromed. Suddenly Johnny appears and leans himself on the table and looks at the body.

Johnny: Someone's been enjoying a lucky guys Mr Studd.

You look at him with a hint of disgust plastered on your face. He takes notice and puts his hands up defensively.

(Y/n): Really bad joke.

Jackie taps his pistols together getting your attention.

Jackie: V, Mano, eyes up, pendejos ahead.

You crouch walk over to him and peak inside the next room.

Jackie: Drop him quiet, V.

You narrow your eyes and start to slowly approach the scav all by his lonesome. Taking out your monowire, you quickly wrap it around his neck causing him to choke for a second before you tighten your grip which causes his head to detach from his body.

Jackie: Nice. I couldn't done that better myself.

You crouch next to him as you are both silently walking through the room in search for miss Scarlatina.

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