October 10, 2023 | Memory

194 17 6

Day 10, Memory

Hmmmm. I have a few choices with this- since I have been doing a lot of code stuff lately- let's do more core jumper lore :D

Fair warning this chapter goes over PTSD and Blood.

This is going to be hard to explain for when this takes place- so little explanation here. In my Rainbow Code Au Sabre at some point uses his code to erase the First Curse's curse from the world. Doing that everyone knows who he is now and are learning more about who Sabre is.

So rainbow Quest Aftermath but Time and Sabre are both alive! Yay!

I was too tired for this... but no one seemed to care. I was struggling to stand the moment I got overwhelmed with questions about what I just did... I erased the curse the first curse put on this world and... I am pretty sure I am going to pass out...

"Sabre?! How did you do that?! Why didn't you do that sooner?!" Time asked me as he rushed over to me and gave me a tight hug. The world around us was slowly coming back together.

"I um... it's... something I can do?..." I said between breathes. I closed my eyes to relax for a few seconds.

"Why didn't you do this sooner then?! Do you have any clue how much easier it would of been if you just did this in the first place?!" Hypno hissed at me.

"L...look I'm sorry... I... didn't want you...
anyone to know I could do this..." My feet started shaking a bit and Time holds me and held me sit on the ground.

"Not important right now Hypno. We need to get him to rest. He doesn't look well." Light comments. Hypno paused and looks at me at my exhausted state. Thinking of how I could of possible of done this.

"You... you aren't one of them are you?" Hypno asks me. My body froze. He comes over to me and slips my blindfold above my eyes to reveal my dull coded eyes. A wave of shock came over everyone.

"You are." He puts the blindfold back over my eyes as a wave of panic comes over me. A flash of memories fills my head.


"What the hell Sabre?!" I looked ahead at Spency. A friend from my past life... in this one we have been friends since we meet in daycare. I have had these secret inside of me for so long I... I thought telling him would help me find answers so I wouldn't feel alone.

"I... I wanted to be honest with you... my eyes have been like this since... well forever. I know it's weird but your my best friend and I wanted you to know the truth..." I explained to him. He takes a step back and bumps into the kitchen counter shaking his head.

"What even are you?! A robot or something?!" He yelled angrily at me.

"No... I don't believe so... could you calm down for a second please I... I just want to explain what I know about myself and-"

"Your a monster that's what you are! I thought you were my friend! I can't believe I spend my entire life with you only to see you are some mutant robot or something! Who else have you told?!" He glares at me.

"No one, not in any life I have had... you are the first person to ever know about any of this." That only seem to make him more angry and his face twisted with disgust.

"Life? What is that supposed to mean?! And I think it's for the better that you never tell anyone else about your... eyes." He opens a drawer.

"I.. when I have died I go to a next life but I have memories of all the ones I have had before... I even have powers but... I just wanted to find answers about what I am and I would love your help more than anyone else... you are my friend and-"

"Then go back to the life you came from and keep those eyes away from me! I don't want any magic like that on me or anyone else you know!" Before I knew it Spency grabbed a sharp knife in the kitchen and threw it at me. It... I struck me in the chest and blood began to spill down my clothes.

"S...Spency?" I asked confused as the pain slowly settled in. I dropped to the ground and kept the knife in my chest knowing that if I pulled it out I would lose more blood. Spency tried to take the knife out of my chest but I grabbed the knife and kept it in me.

"I um... I... I didn't... I..." He stutters. A painful sensation ran through me as words came out of me without knowledge of what I was going to say.

"Coordinates Locked." I knew what it meant... I...

"What the- I'm going to call the ambulance I am so sorry Sabre I..." He fumbled for his phone but I was already slipping away tears ran down my face as I realized I messed up... this death was caused by me and now he was going to have to pay for it. The world faded around me like ink as I felt my last breathe drawn...


"That's all I know about them from what I read. Look we will need to get him somewhere safe where he can rest and no matter what we can let him take off the blindfold got it?" Hypno looks at both Light and Time who nod to him. Time picks me up.

"I... We can ask more questions later... for now Sabre thank you." I looked up at Time confused as the wave of panic slowly left me.

"For... what?..." I asked sleep staring to take over me.

"For using your ability when we did. We promise to protect you... and keep this is a secret." Time looks around and then follows Light and Hypno's lead. A sense of relief came over me knowing I won't have to suffer the same fate simply because of what I am...

It felt nice to be protected...
(Words 1046) :3

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