Chapter 28 |:| Hammerlocke

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Y/n pov

The walk to Hammerlocke was a long one to say the least. Long and silent.

My thumbs fiddled together awkwardly as i tried to think of something to say—anything to quell this unbearable silence, but nothing came to mind. So when we finally did make it through the gaping arches shaped as a dragons jaws, all that was spoken to appreciate the magnificent work of art was a shared "Wow....". However, this did not include Leon

Whatever funk he'd finally gotten out of after the whole bridge incident had clearly come back at full force, even if he failed to say it out loud. The dark look clouding his eyes had returned, Raihan saw it too.

As we stepped into the pokemon centre and handed our partners to nurse joy, Eevee looked up at me and cooed as i placed it gently on the table.

"Its only for a little while, you know the drill." I smiled softly. Eevee looked down and placed a paw on Dragonairs pokeball. I got the feeling that being separated from me wasnt in fact its concern, rather than its teammate.

I chose to ignore the gesture and gave it a couple pats on the head, turning around to sit at one of the cafè tables with Lee and Raihan. Eevee was right though...Dragonair already had issues staying in control of itself. With Its evolution and the evident power boost, it was hard to say if its situation would become better or worse...

"So.....good weather today?" Raihan tried, awkwardly pursing his lips, looking between me and Leon.

Leons gaze stayed trained on the table, eyes half lidded.

"Erm, yeah! Great day for swim-" i stopped short as Raihans eyes widened and he shook his head "NO!" anxiously.

"I- uh, i mean that-"

"You guys dont have to try to make me feel better." Leon mumbled. "Im doing just fine."

"Lee..." Raihan sighed.

My gaze hardened as I realized the situation. It was all happening all over again! Leon sees me get hurt, he gets depressed, we try to help and then he lashes out and pushes us away! Well, i wouldnt be having any of that today. Its time to end this cycle here and now!

"Leon!" I placed my hands on the table and stood up sharply. "Would you stop it with the pity party already?!" I snapped. "Im not a baby anymore. We've been over this. I love you and i'll never stop, even if you make all the worst mistakes, but these are events that had nothing to do with you! So quit moping!!" I vented.

The other folks who had been stopping by the pokemon centre turned to look at me in curiosity, or perhaps it was judgement.

" dont get it!" He trembled, lip quivering.

"Since when did my big brother become so fragile...." I breathed, "If you cant even go a full week without spiraling into a depression then how am i supposed to grow up into a strong person Lee? the world so unforgiving that our family just can't survive out here?"

"No!" Leon argued. "Youre just...stronger than me i guess, okay?" He whimpered, on the edge of tears.

"Well i dont want to be! I want to look up to you Leon! I do look up to you so...please...just be yourself again." I begged.

Seconds turned to minutes as silence ensued. Leons lip quivered. Was i too harsh? Was that the wring thing to say? Perhaps it wouldve been best for us all if i'd just keep my mouth shut.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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