Chapter 1 |:| The beginning

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(Leon's pov)
I wake up to multiple painful pinches on my hand
"Wtf was that?!" I said to myself before opening my eyes even further. I look down to see my runt of a Charmander repeatedly chomping on my fingers.

I groaned at the thought of waking up on such a violent note before looking at my impatient Charmander and dragging myself out of bed.

Charmander began to run around in circles waiting for its trainer to get dressed and prepared for the day
"Char char!!" It shouted as if trying to hurry Leon out of his surprisingly tidy room.

"Hush Charmander I'm going as fast as I can"

As annoyed as Leon was he couldn't help but smile at the fact his teensy Charmander was so excited, after all today was the day he was going to start the biggest chapter of his life.

Today he and his sister, y/n would set out to Motostoke for the gym challenge ceremony. The more he thought about it, the more excited he got.

Leon rushed out of his room and up the stairs to the top floor where y/n's and Hops room is located and slammed open the door to Y/n's room.

"Y/N!!!!" Leon shouted

(Y/n's POV)

I was having the most AWESOME dream, I had somehow made it into the NBA finals and our team- the Skyhawks were winning!! (reference to my middle school team ;) it was the last period and the score was 50-52 with the Skyhawks ahead. 10 seconds on the clock, if we could defend for 10 more seconds we would have the game.

All of a sudden-

"Y/N!!!" Shouted a familiar voice

Y/n then had her dream interrupted by her pain in the ass brother Leon.

Her e/c eyes snapped open, y/n was NOT a morning person and whoever just woke her up was in for a WORLD of pain-

"Y/n wake up! We need to get to the train station" her brother said, in a softer voice than before.

"I- what? What do you mean train station?" Her anger slowly fizzling out into confusion.

"Don't you remember?....the gym challenge" Leon said, disappointed but not surprised that she forgot.


Y/n scrambled out of bed tripping over the various clothes littered on her bedroom floor. Only to be steadied by her older brother.

"Careful there, ill go make breakfast make sure your packed and ready to leave" Leon said chuckling a bit at his sisters clumsiness.

"Gotcha!" Y/n exclaimed

After eating she realized her youngest brother Hop still hadn't come down to say goodbye.

"Hmm i wonder why Hop still isn't down here for breakfast?"

After putting her dishes in the sink she ran up the stairs, followed by Leon's curious Charmander. Slowly she turned the doorknob and cracked the door open to take a peek.

Y/n's eyes widened when she saw her little brother curled up on his bed sobbing. Y/n carefully walked into Hops room and sat down next to him on the bed.

"Hop... what's wrong?" She gently asked while putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Without looking up from where his head was cradled Hop managed to squeak out
"I..*sniff* dont want you and *sob* Lee to leave"

⭐️🌊𝑂𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠🌊⭐️ |:| Raihan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now