Chapter 7

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Allen knocked nervously at the brown wooden door of Morgan Machongal's office. "Come in Salvador" his voice sounded from the inside as Allen slowly opened the door and stepped in.

"You called for me? Sir?" He starts rather nervous. The old man drooled his mice and walked to him. He was times two of Allen's height which made him a little more scared.

"Your curious aren't you Mr Salvador" he asks.
"If it's about my parents then yes"He gave Allen a crooked smile. And ushered him to take some steps forward. "Come closer"

He took about four steps to the man still a little nervy and it annoyed him. The professor pulled out his hand and placed Allen's on his.

His body instantly vibrated and his eyes closed. When he got them open again he saw himself in the streets of bruskelen.

Some distance in front was his father and a man who looked like he was beaten up.
"You can't do this vegazard" his father started.
"If we divided ourselves we would live forever Steve. Do this with me" the man sounded too desperate.

"You'll lose control"
"I'd rather live a thousand years than die" Vegazard yelled.
"I'm going to stop you"
"You won't"
Allen was about to call his dad when the two men engaged in a fight. Steve was badly injured but managed to escape Vegazard's wrath.

He filled his dad who was gradually healing himself with spells. He got home only to meet his wife in the kitchen in pain in the kitchen from the pregnancy.

"Mom" Allen whispered and tried to get close to them before Machongal pulled Allen back to reality.

"What was that" Allen gasped like he had just ran a marathon raced and placed his hands on his knees breathing hard.
"You mean who was that" he stared at him realizing he was talking about the man who attacked his father.

"That was my power seeking brother Vegazard" he paused and watched Allen.
"Killed them?" He asked feeling a lump in his throat and the professor nodded.

"That was the day you were giving birth to Allen" he straightened up forcing the tears to go back in. If he ever so Vegazard anywhere he'd use that Sparcio spell on him countless times and watch his body crack like ceramic.

"What was that he was talking about? A ritual? About dividing oneself?"
"That's why I called here Allen" Machongal sat down behind his desk and gestures for Allen to sit on the chair in front.
"I have something to tell you"


"I guess this is it" Sam says looking at the door the sirus was kept in.
Barry pressed his ears to the wood and listened. "yup this is definitely the room" he confirmed "sounds like it's asleep"

"Well that's great" brad sang still nervous about the whole idea of going into a beast infested room.
They both looked at him communicating with their eyes telling him to be quiet. Then he raised his hands up in surrender.

"Be on the look out" Sam tells him and he rolls his eyes and turned while they got into the room. "yes ma'am"

"Oh shit" Barry whispers in shock at the fine beast in front of him. It's beautiful white fur gave the a little dark room more light. Barry could tell it'd be soft.

"Pull your self together" she whispers back at him. Then he asks
"What exactly are we looking for"
"I don't know. Anything unusual" he nodded and they split ways looking at the shelves filled with papers rolled up.

"Why aren't these at the library" he finally asks coughing at the dust.
"Because they are student reports. That's probably why a sirus is here. To keep students out"
"Well we're not keeping to that rule" Sam rolled her eyes and continued searching.

She moved from the shelves to the back of the beast. Behind it, in the open space, was a small chest"

"Barry" she whispers, calling his attention to what she had found.
He quickly moved to her and knelt with her.
"What's that" he asks.
"I don't know"

she grabbed the chest and twirled it in her hand looking for any writings on it. "Sphere with life" she reads out loud. "Brad saw that in the book" he whispered excited that they had found something.

Soon they heard a growl behind them. "What was that" Sam asked already trembling. With wide eyes they both gradually turned and saw the sirus staring down at them with a red left eye and blue right eye. It looked stunning but this was a beast that could eat them regardless of how they thought it looked.

"Don't move" she whispers to him
"No kidding" They both stayed in a statue position looking at the sirus. Soon it yawned revealing well sharpened incisors. It made Barry shake a little.

The sirus layed down back into its slumber. And they both sighed in relief. "That was close" Barry sighed as they slowly stood up to leave.


"I still don't get it" Allen said standing in the office of Machongal and pacing a little, still trying to process everything he had just heard. Vegazard, 5 lives, sphere with life, it was too much.

"I know it's hard to take in but you have to. Vegazard has people working for him and they will stop at nothing to get his remaining 3 spheres and I have a feeling once he comes back he'll do the ritual again"

"What?!" He was shocked at why someone would undergo this ritual again. "I thought you said there are side effects"

"That is the side effect. You become to powerful and hungry for more that you keep going through with the ruitual" the professor explains.

"Why me" he sighed

"Because I don't trust the Mondragons to do this. You from the Salvador family, that power is inside of you. Your the only one who could do this. You were made for it"

He looked at Machongal as he said those baffling words. This indeed was to much. He knew nothing about his powers yet so how was he going to defeat this vegazard guy. Yes a part of him did want to kill him himself after what he had done to his family but still.

"Have a good night Salvador" the old man broke the silence indicating the end of the conversation.

Short chapter. Hope you liked it

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