Chapter 5.5- Coco's Date and Something Else

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Tucking Namjoon's car keys into her bag, Coco wiped her hands on her jeans nervously. She had been looking around the bowling alley for the orange haired boy for nearly ten minutes. She does a small spin as she looks around the room, hoping he didn't forget.

Jimin was late.

The second he ran inside the building, he squinted at the bright lights. "Where is she," He mutters to himself, clutching the flowers he had bought her. Jimin went to reach for his phone when he saw her, a breath of relief leaving him instantly as he made a beeline for her.. "There you are."

Coco jumps slightly, immediately checking Jimin out. "Wow," She blushes, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "You look nice."

She wasn't lying. Jimin wore a plain black t-shirt tucked into ripped jeans that hugged his thighs in a way that made Coco question their current location and why it was public.

Jimin's cheeks turn bright red, rubbing the back of his neck a bit shyly as he holds the flowers out with his free hand. "You look stunning - I-I'm so sorry I was late, I was grabbing these for you."

Coco grabs the small bouquet of tulips from the boy, wondering how he knew they were her favorite flower. "Thank you, Jimin. I adore them."

Jimin  quickly rents their bowling shoes, finding their assigned lane and having a seat. Coco slips off her converse, replacing them with the slightly too big bowling shoes. "Do you come here a lot?" She asks, watching Jimin's ring-clad hands type their names for their game.

"Yeah, the boys and I come here every few weeks for game night," Jimin smiles, "You should join us next time." He nudges her knee with his, grabbing her hand to help her up.

"I mainly roll gutter balls," She shakes her head, "You sure you want me to come?" She looks at his hand in hers shyly, sad he drops it a few seconds later.

"Of course, pretty one," He grabs the bowling ball she picked earlier, holding it out for her. "I do enjoy your company." Jimin shoots her a charming smile and Coco wonders if she's still standing.

She scrunches her nose up, not used to the giddy feeling the handsome man gives her. "I may suck at bowling but I will annihilate you later when we play guitar hero."

Jimin laughs, his head falling back as he tries to keep his balance. "Psh, I'm an excellent gamer."

Coco rolls her eyes, rolling the ball once more and getting it in the gutter. "You haven't played against me, pretty boy."
Their first two rounds of bowling went quickly - Jimin winning each time of course. Coco scans the area for any signs of Tiny, not sure if she decided to crash this date as well in case it was necessary.
"I'm gonna go buy us some drinks," Coco touches Jimin's arm, finding any excuse to be near him. "Don't miss me too much." She teases, walking toward the bar.
Jimin shakes his head, pulling his phone out to immediately text his friends about how well things are going. However, Coco was not having the best time at the bar. After waiting in line for five minutes, she got to the front.

Oh, no.

It was Roman.
The curly headed boy was recognizable from a mile away if Coco had been paying any attention at all. She stood frozen in place as he approached her with a smirk.
"Oh, hey hot stuff." He teased. "Red looks good on you."
She scrunched her nose. She hated the way he talked to her and regrets ever letting him have a hold on her.
"Hello, ..." She pauses as if she forgot his name. She'll never forget his name, his words, or his touch, but she will never let him know that. "Just two shirley temples please, virgin."
"Oh, just like you?" He fakes a pout and uses a scrutinizing tone.
"Uhm, excuse me?" She chokes.
   "I'm joking," he rolls his eyes. "You never could take a joke. I hope your little boy toy over there knows how you are. He'll be just as disappointed as I was when he finds out you don't put out." He hands her the drinks and sneers. "They're on the house." Coco turned on her heels and practically ran to Jimin. She bumped into him and nearly spilled the drinks all over him.
"I am so sorry," She says, disgruntled. "I am so sorry." She hands him the drinks and turns to walk out of the building. Jimin follows on her heels, setting the drinks on a random table. He finally catches up to her outside, grabbing her arm to stop her right before she makes it to Namjoon's car she borrowed.
"Coco, slow down," Jimin gasps. "What is going on, what did I do?" Coco loses it. She lets out a wrecked sob.
"Darling, what is wrong?" He wraps her into his arms and she feels safe. She has never felt safe in a man's embrace and she barely knows him and yet she allows herself to feel safe.
"It's not you" she assures him through heaving breaths. "I promise it isn't you it's-" she breaks off again.
"Woah, you don't have to tell me." He assures her. "Take all the time you need to heal. Do what you have to do. Would you like to relax a bit in the car?" Coco hesitates. It wasn't the date she anticipated but she knew she didn't want to let Roman ruin another good thing for her, so she nodded, finally calming down.
"You should never drive when you're upset, darling." Jimin points out, buckling her seatbelt.
"I-I know," She sniffles, embarrassed he's seeing her this way. "I won't."
"Promise me." He almost demands, holding his pinky out to her. She loops their fingers together, making the promise easily.
Jimin reluctantly drove her around in Namjoon's car for a few hours, taking her for ice cream. Coco wondered if he was just nervous to drive someone else's vehicle, it was a lot of responsibility. The conversation returned mostly to normal. She was able to enjoy herself, and felt rude for ever thinking that she couldn't feel safe with Jimin. Roman is not every man, and Jimin was definitely nothing like Roman. When he dropped her back off at her apartment he hugged her again and she thanked him for an amazing night. Coco offered to drive him home but Jimin didn't seem to mind walking.

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