Chapter 5

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As we were hanging and talking in the gym Jenna ask if we would like to watch her pratice i told sure have some drawing that need to be finished she was surprised and asked if she could see them i told sure even though thery arent finished yet. "wow they look amazing! tell me what are they supposed to be from?" 

"they're are from my favorite video game kingdom hearts and they're called heartless in my own version!" i said proudly 

"awesome anyways just hang out with jason then we'll show you around the campus before school starts got another 10 mins of pratice left" i nodded and sat next to jason on the blechers grabbing my art supplies out of my packback. as i was in the middle of drawing i felt being picked up and placed on someone's lap i looked up and it was jason

"why did you do that?" he smiled at me and said "thought you be more comfortable and besides you don't mind do you?" 

i thought about it and shrugged "it's fine thanks!" he ruffled my hair and smiled at me since i'm sitting on his lap might as well get used to it i mean it's not i've done it before with my parents and aunt. i continued to finish my drawings and then quetly watch jenna pratice.

time skip: 

as i finished putting away my things jenna came over and said she's gonna change real quick then we'll get going to show me around. we both nodded and just sat on the bleachers i pulled out my phone and put on some Dangie bros on youtube i find them funny and very entertaining.

"what you watching lil man?" i looked up and said "Dangie Bros" i said smiling he just stared and watched it with me to see what they're all about "huh these guys are aweosme they do this all the time?" i nods yes and kept on watching 

as we're watching we hear jenna calling our names "you guys ready?" we both said yes i paused the video and put my phone away "alright lil dude you want to hold hands or do you want one of us to carry you?" i thought about it and maybe being carried doesnt sound too bad plus i tend to get tired from walking about like 10 mins ik stupid 7 yr old body. 

"hmmm carry me please!" they both smiled and ask me which one that will carry me i pointed to Jason he nodded and picked me and place me on his hip "alright lets show you your new school shall we?" and then we headed out of the gym and they showed me everything from the cafeteria to the library which is huge compared to the ones i've been too then we went to the music room which was amazing looking then i saw it the most beautiful looking drum set i've seen.

they looked at what i was staring at and then giggled "i take it you like that drum set?" i nodded yes giggling "well maybe sometime later you can show us that drum skill you were telling me about!" i lean my head on his shoulder and said yes in a low voice i'm nervous about performing in front of other people "aww don't be shy jackson i bet you are amazing" said jenna i looked at her and said thank you.

as we continued the tour i started to feel tired my eyes got a lil droopy trying to fight the sleepiness then jason started to noticed "is somone getting sleepy?" he cooed i shook my head and said "nu uh" he laughed then said "it's okay we got about an hour til school starts why don't we head back to the libray and you can take a lil nap does that sound good?" 

as much as i'm trying to fight my tiredness i jus nod yes and all three of us headed straight the library. once we were inside we asked the librarian where we could set me down for a nap she pointed the quiet area in the children section i whined about that but i'm too tired to say anything they thanked her and made our way to the quiet area. jenna set out a bean bag chair and then went to grab a blanket then jason set me down "would you like me to read you something?" i nod yes a story sounds good i love them my mom always read to me before bed.

he grabbed the nearset book on the shelf and it was the very hungry catapellar my all time favorite i saw and let a tear ran down my cheek that was the same story my mom read to me the day before she and my dad were taken from me. jason and jenna saw this and asked whats wrong? "sorry sniffs that book was the same one my mom read to me before she and my dad were taken away from me." they both looked at each other and me they hugged me and said everything will be okay jenna then placed the blanket on me then jason started reading to me. as soon as he got to the last page i was out like a light the last thing i felt were two kisses both sides of my cheek and heard "sleep well lil one."

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