18. You're Next

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Angel Dust

“You what!?” Molly yells, pulling out chunks of her hair. “Keep your voice down! I don’t want this being a big thing!” I whisper, holding her hands in mine. “Tony, he's hurt you! Twice! What if this time he actually gets you killed?”

“He won’t Molls, just trust me on this one?” She shoves me away. “That’s what you said last time Tony and then you ended up in the living world for 8 years and without saying goodbye either!” She cries.

“Mama, can you please get Molly under control? I mean it is Sam’s wedding!” I yell, mama glaring back at me. “She has a point Anthony.” Mama sighs, taking my hands in hers. “Mama please, he wouldn’t hurt me..I think.”

“What Molly meant to say is, she doesn’t want to lose you and neither do I. Anthony you’re my son, my everything, I don’t want to watch you die again.” She looks at me, tears in her eyes. “Mama I’ll be fine and if I’m not then we can tapdance on his teeth together ok?”

“You always have the best ideas, disturbing ones but still the best she laughs.


“Tracy, come back with me to change my shoes.” Sam laughs, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away from the dance floor causing me to almost step on her dress while running to keep up. “Calm down Sam, the heels can’t be that bad!” I laugh as we enter a room.

“They are though! Do you have any idea how painful doing the first dance was?!” She yells, pulling out a chair. “I wouldn’t know actually, y’know me I’m more of a converse girl.” I laugh, watching her take her heels off, throwing them across the room.

“Man it feels good to get those things off!” She sighs, rubbing her feet, pulling out a pair of sneakers. “Why did I have to come with you anyway?” I ask, annoyed I almost fell flat on my faced just to watch her change shoes.

“Because I want you to tell me what's going on with uncle Alastor and aunt Tony that's why!” She squeals. “You couldn’t ask Aunt Molly? She yelled at my mama earlier for Satan's sake!” I yell.

“I tried, she has refused to talk to or about Alastor ever since the news about him and Lucifer came out.” She whines, rolling her eyes. “I don’t know, they just got back together. What else do you want me to say!?”

“I knew it!” She yells, practically jumping in her seat. “I think you’re forgetting my deer ears are pretty sensitive!” I yell, my ears going back. “Sorry, it’s just I’m so excited” She squeals. “So when do you think they’re getting married!?”

“Sam, they just got together! Besides, even when I was a kid I never heard them talk about getting married once! I’ve basically given up all hope.” I groan, covering my face with all 4 of my hands. “I have though!”

“Wait what!?” I yell, looking over at her, a huge grin on her face. “Yeah! When aunt Tony was pregnant with you, me and Alastor had a talk, y’know because I was always so clingy to him.” She laughs.

“Anyway one day we had a talk and he told me the cutest thing ever! He said he had a ring that he was going to propose to uncle Tony with while they were alive! He said grandpa killed him when he asked for uncle Tony’s hand.”

“But mama always said he didn’t know why grandpa killed papa!” I yell, confused what exactly she’s talking about. “Uncle Tony doesn’t, remember uncle Alastor had him go to another room that night? It was only when he heard yelling did he leave that room.”

“And why are you only now telling me this!?” I yell, frustrated with her. “Honestly no idea but don’t tell uncle Tony, y’know in case he does propose someday.” She laughs, finally finishing tying her shoes.

“Ladies, sorry to interrupt whatever is going on here but it’s time for the bouquet toss.” Uncle Adam laughs, poking his head into the room. “Ok papa we’ll be there in a sec just let us finish girl time ok?”



I watch as Anthony runs up to the crowd of women, all in an attempt to catch the bouquet. He looks different when in his drag but still so mesmerizing. “You’re hoping he’ll catch it aren’t you?” Tracy laughs.

“Not necessarily.” I tease, mine and Tracy's ears going back as all the women start their high pitched squealing. “These women really want to get married that badly?” She laughs, covering her ears.

“Why who wouldn’t! It is an everlasting bond, a promise to stay by your one and onlys side till death do you part!” I laugh, looking down at Tracy who grins at me. “No I will not be asking soon, we just started seeing each other again yesterday.” I laugh.

“Yeah ok, I don’t know how you’ve waited I think over 100 years to ask.” She laughs, rolling her eyes at me. “Well Samantha told you of the first time I tried to propose but the second time I failed for..other reasons.” I sigh, clutching my breast pocket, feeling the ring inside.

“What happened the second time?” She asks, looking up at me. “Your mama, he got caught in the extermination that took place not long after you were born. I was lucky enough to run across him and teleport us to safety, there was an exorcist above him.” I sigh, remembering the way he clung onto me for months after.

“Are the exorcists really that scary?” Tracy asks, tears in her eyes. “I don’t think their appearance is nearly as bad as knowing they will take no mercy on you, that you will be..nonexistent."

“But what does that have to do with you proposing?” She asks, grabbing onto my hand similarly to when she was a child. “To go through that, it affected your mama badly. Before I teleported us to safety he was crying for you Tracy, that he didn’t want to leave. I figured proposing before he was healed from the experience wouldn’t do him any good.”

“Oh, well look, there comes mama with something in his hands.” Tracy laughs, pointing at Anthony with the bouquet clutched tightly in his hands. “Look Al I caught it!” He cheers, handing it to me.

“Oh that is just lovely my dear. You’re not expecting the question soon are you?” I laugh nervously, Tracy grinning at me. “Well of course not but eventually. It’s been like 100 years Al. Molly gave me shit about it too, when she still liked you of course.” He laughs.

“Oh please don’t remind me of her very justified dislike towards me.” I groan, looking over at Molly across the room who's glaring back at me. “Hey she’ll come around..I hope.” Anthony sighs, grabbing onto my arm.

“Ok lovebirds I’m going to say something so you better listen ok?” Tracy demands, both me and Anthong nodding our heads. “Who cares what others think? Yeah you love them but you two also love each other! Besides I don’t need to deal with some coparenting situation right now so keep it together.” She growls.

“I never thought I’d be taking dating advice from my daughter.” I laugh, Tracy grinning at us. “Well one of us is in their highschool relationship and that's somehow going better than a relationship that's lasted what? 100 years? You two gotta pull it together!” She yells.

“She’s got a point, I mean first you died, next thing you know I’m in the hospital and then finally the whole Luci situation. Al we’ve separated 3 times now this is gettin’ ridiculous.” Anthony laughs.

“Yes I will admit that number is a bit much.” I sigh, Anthony placing a hand on my shoulder. “Hey, fourth times the charm isn’t it?” He laughs, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek. “All this time I thought I wanted to see stuff like this but..ew.” Tracy gags.


I don't know about you guys but I loved the new episode of helluva boss and the fizz and Ozzie moments like I SCREAMED. Love ya <3

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