7. Mornings.

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Hailey's POV:

I was awoken by the sun shining in through my shattered window. I reached over to my nightstand without looking and grabbed my phone while checking the time. I hate mornings.

7:34AM. I barely got any sleep last night. I also had to be at work by 9:00 so perfect timing.

I put my phone back down on my nightstand, looking this time, and to my surprise, I see Ashton, peacefully sleeping on a singular pillow with one blanket in last nights clothing. 

I figured he would have left by now but he was still here. 

I step out of my bed gently on the cold wood floor and slowly and quietly make my way over to the peacefully sleeping Ashton.

Needless to say, he looked adorable. I kneeled on the floor next to him and put my hand lightly on his shoulder to carefully shake him awake. 

I saw his sleepy eyes flutter awake slowly and while he opened his eyes, he formed a small smile towards me.

"Good morning, Miss Hailey" He mumbled with his morning voice echoing through my brain. 

"Good morning sleepyhead. Sorry to wake you this early but I do unfortunately have to kick you out before my parents find out you are in here." I say towards him lightly, keeping my hand on his shoulder.

"Ughhhhh but the floor was so comfortableeeee!" He groaned.

"Okay get up, get up, get up." I said to him while standing up, grabbing his hand and then attempting to pull him up.

I attempted to pull him up but for a 19 year old, he was impressively strong. Finally he gave in and stood up when all of a sudden I hear rocks thrown at my window.

I let go of Ashton's hand and walk over to the window to be greeted by Frankie, once again, throwing rocks at my window. 

"Let me up!" She yelled.

"Shut up!!!" I yelled back down to her. I lowered down the ladder to where she was standing and she slowly started to climb up. 

Of course, I forgot Ashton was in my room but I didn't have enough time to hide him somewhere and Frankie was greeted by me, alone in my bedroom, with a man.

"Oh." Frankie said her eyes going back and fourth between me and Ashton. "Ohhhhhhh!" She cooed at me.

"No no, stop, nothing happened." I reply quickly.

Ashton stood there looking concerned, not for himself but for me. To be honest it was a bit funny.

"Me and Mikey were looking for you guys last night" Frankie continued. 

"Sure, after you guys were doing whatever you were doing..." Ashton trailed on.

I see Frankie's face blush a bright pink, looking slightly embarrassed.

"What did you two do last night?" I ask

"Nothing..." Frankie trailed on. "Anyway, Irwin get out of here, Hailey and I need to have some girl talk time."

Ashton nodded and just as he was about to leave out the window, I hear footsteps up the stairs and I instantly knew it was my mom. 

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I whisper yell to Ashton and Frankie.

"Ash, under the bed... NOW" Frankie ordered. 

In the blink of an eye, Ashton slid under my bed and hid under a blanket. Frankie and I sat down on my bed and pretended to be having a conversation just in time for my mom to open the door, shocked to see one of my friends in my room at 7:30 in the morning. 

"Hi Mrs. Marks!" Frankie said turning on her usual charm she has with parents.

"I thought I heard talking in here, good morning to you Frankie." She replied looking skeptical. "I made breakfast, if either of you two would like any." she said before backing out my door.

Thank god. There's no way she didn't see Ashton hiding under the bed, but one can hope she's just oblivious. 

She shuts the door and I feel a tug on my pant-leg. 

"Can I come out now?" I hear Ashton's voice whisper from under my bed

"Yeah you are all good" I reply whispering back even though I didn't need to.

He crawls back out from underneath, looking a bit disheveled, hair messy from sleeping. He looked super cute. 

"Okay well after that close call, I might as well get going." He said going towards the window.

I throw down the ladder and he waves goodbye with a little wave and smile and descends down the side of the house.

Once he reaches the bottom he signals for me to lift the ladder back up and makes his way back to his summer house.

I shut the window and turn around to see Frankie standing behind me with her arms crossed over her body and a huge smirk on her face.

"Too busy with Irwin last night to stay at the party?" She said with a sassy yet curious tone.

"Oh shut up, we did nothing." I reply laughing slightly under my breath. "I was just upset at the party so we went on a walk on the boardwalk. Nothing wrong with that. He's such a nice guy, I think we are going to be good friends. We better be after last night." I continue.

"Okay yeah... sure... friends..." Frankie trails on. 

I roll my eyes towards her as I get dressed and ready for work. 

My work clothes constantly smell like coffee, no matter how many times I wash them, its as if my clothes were put together by coffee scented thread. Theres no getting rid of that. 

"Hey whats this?" Frankie says immediately drawing my attention towards her. 

I look over and Frankie is pointing to the corner of my headboard, staring directly at Ashton's jacket that he left here. Did he do that on purpose or did he genuinely forget?

Welp... Guess I am going to have to see him later.



SORRY THIS WAS KINDA A FILLER CHAPTER but i mean hey whats a wattpad story without a filler chapter.

I am currently at like 70 reads which is kinda crazy but I hope whoever is reading this is enjoying it because I like writing it.

Okay thats it! Thanks for reading!

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