Meeting Ace

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I do not own any one piece characters. And all these characters belong to Oda.

We start with garp grabbing luffy by the face and scolding him, while they are walking through the forest.
Garp: Leaving you in foosha village was a mistake.
Luffy: No it wasn't. Whined Luffy.
Garp: Leaving you in such a peaceful village was a damn mistake. Muttered Garp.
Luffy: It was thanks to foosha village that I met Shanks.
[Shank: Thanks anchor.]
[Luffy:no problem. Luffy said giving Shanks a thumbs up.]
Garp: Yeah you damn brat. Yelled Garp.
Garp: Not only are you talking about that pirate crap, you also ate a devil fruit and got that damn strawhat.
Luffy: But grandpa, pirates are cool and they are really fun. Luffy said
Garp: You think I care about that. Yelled Garp.
Luffy then grabs onto a tree as Garp tries to pull him away. But in the end luffy and the tree ended up hitting Garp on the head.
Everyone began laughing at the situation.
[Roger: Wow garp, you've grown weaker. Roger laughed.]
[Sengoku: Nice one Garp. Sengoku sighed.]
[Tsuru: This is the funniest and most disappointing thing I have seen all day.]
With that, garp grabbed Luffy and drop kicked him.
[Mothers: HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO A CHILD!! They all yelled madly.]
[Ace and Sabo: damn gramps. They said angrily.]
[Boa: my beloved. She yelled worried]
[Rebecca: poor lucy.]
[Shirahoshi: Oh no luffy-sama.]
[Viola: how cruel.]
[Strawhats: Makes sense.]
[Koby: oh no luffy. He yelled worried for his friend.]
[Dragon: dammit dad.]
[Tashigi: Smoker is this really happening.]
[Smoker: I am afraid so.]
[Nami: I get it now. Said nami which got the attention of everyone.]
[Everyone: Get what? They all asked.]
[Nami: Well everyone knows luffy is stupid right.] Everyone then nodded there heads.
[Nami: Well Garp may have hit him so hard and so much that he made luffy permanantly stupid.] Everyone then saw the logic and began berating Garp.
[Sengoku: Wow Garp, you made your grandson permanantly stupid.]
[Ace and Sabo: damnit gramps.]
[Dragon: I told you to take care of him, not make him retarded.]
[Garp: Listen I didnt mean to. Garp said defending himself.]
[The mothers: Poor child.]
Luffys harem began coming up to him hugging him tightly.
[Most males: Lucky bastard.]
A few minutes later we can see Garp and Luffy close to a house.
Luffy: Where are we going grandpa. Luffy said still hurt from the kick Garp gave him.
Garp: I am taking you to your new home Luffy.
Luffy: But I already have a home.
Garp: Well your new home will make you a man and a great marine!! Exclaimed Garp
Luffy: But I dont wanna leave Foosha village, grandpa. Whined Luffy
A few minutes later Garp and Luffy reach the house on the mountain.
Garp: Hey open up you idiots. Garp said banging on the door.
Dadan: Hey you better stop banging in the door. Yelled Dadan.
[Marco: Someone sounds mad.]
[Vista: Yeah, no kidding.]
Dadan: whatever you are selling I dont want so get out, ahhhhhh. Screamed dadan as she opened the door to see who it was.
[Oden: Well she is gonna be in for a surprise.]
[Hiyori: Yes father.]
Garp: It's me. Garp said
Dadan: What are you doing here GARP!! Yelled dadan.
[Crocodile: dam woman.]
[Doflamingo: I wish I could kill her.]
Garp: Hey quit screaming will ya.
Dadan: Oh, I know why you are here. You must be here to take Ace back right.
Dagra: Yeah Ace is really a handful you know. Dagra said trying to guilt trip Garp into taking Ace back.
Garp: Wow Ace, how old is he now.
[Roger: Seriously, you dont know Garp.]
[Rouge seeing this glared at Garp. The whitebeard pirates also glared at Garp.]
Dadan: He is 10 Garp. You would know that if you came around. Dadan said sarcastically.
Garp: Well anyway I want you take care of this kid to. Garp said as he took luffy.
Garp: So take him too and Luffy say hi.
Luffy looked up to see dadan and said, Yo. Said luffy as he saluted as well.
[Nami, Boa, and Robin: So CUTE!! They yelled.]
[All princesses: I wish I could hug him right now. They all said.]
Dadan: You want me to WHAT? Yelled dadan.
Garp: I want you to take care of him too. Garp said
Dadan: Who is he? Said a scared Dadan.
Garp: Oh, he is my grandson. Garp said proudly.
[Sabo: Well they are shocked.]
[Koala: Yeah.]
[Hack: These people are weird.]
[Bartolomeo: Ahhh Luffy-senpai should not be stuck in such a horrible place. Cryed bartolomeo.] [Everyone then looked at him either agreed or got weirded out by him.]
Dadan and the 2 other bandits: WHAT!! They yelled.
This almost made them all go unconscious.
[Everyone began laughing seeing their reactions.]
Garp: Yeah take care of him too. Said Garp
Dadan: But we cant, Ace is already enough to handle but now we have to take care of another. Yelled a scared Dadan.
Garp: Yes
While all of this is going on Luffy is busy picking his nose and as he is doing so he screams, GAH CRAPPY SHACK!! Yelled Luffy. As everyone heard what Luffy said, Garp began laughing as Dadan got mad.
[Garp: I forgot he said that. Laughed Garp.]
[Sanji: Shitty captain is as blunt as ever.]
[Zoro: I actually agree with you for once.]
[Mihawk: What a lively bunch.]
Dadan: You want too DIE brat? Yelled Dadan. The only question she got was Luffy picking his nose.
Dadan: Are you EVEN LISTENING BRAT? Screamed an enraged Dadan.
[Strawhats: he never does.]
[Everyone who knew Luffy agreed as well.]
While all of this is going on, Garp notices something in the bushes and trees. As more time goes on a spit is shot out and hits luffy.
Luffy: Hey who it me? Yelled Luffy.
Then suddenly a boy that looks no older than 10 appears from the trees.
[Marco: There is no way that is Ace.]
[Chopper: that is Ace.]
[Usopp: But he looked so nice is Alabasta]
[Robin: It is pretty clear this Ace is different.]
[Everyone hearing what Robin said agreed.]
Seeing luffy says, Hey, apologize to me right now. Yelled an enraged Luffy.
Garp: Oh so that is Ace.
Garp: Hey Luffy this is Ace. He is three years older than and from now on he will be your new older brother.
Dadan: Hey you cant just decide that for yourself.
[Strawhats: just like Luffy.]
[Sengoku: damn you Garp.]
[Koby: Isnt this pretty stupid sir. Koby asked.]
[Garp: What do you mean?]
[Koby: I mean you wanted Luffy to not be a criminal but yet you put him up to be raised by criminals.]
[Garp: Touche.]
[Everyone hearing this then agreed.]
Garp: You got a problem with that.
Dadan: No sir. Dadan said not trying to make Garp mad.
[Marco: Well that shut her up.]
[Whitebeard: Indeed my son.]
Garp: You know I overlooked many crimes you guys have done so I will give you an option here, you can either take Luffy or go to jail. Said Garp menacingly.
[All marines: Seriously Garp.]
[Garp: What I had no other choice.]
Dadan: You know going to jail might be better than raising Ace. Whined Dadan.
Garp: What did you say. Yelled Garp.
Dadan: Nothing Nothing, we will happily take Luffy. Said dadan trying to make Garp happy.
[Zoro: She has no backbone.]
[Kuina: Shut up. She said as she elbows zoro.]
Garp: Good. Said Garp.
Garp: Okay so I will leave the two with you and come back when I have the time.
Garp said leaving.
[Nami: You cant just leave him.]
[Bellemere: Shes right you know.]
[Garp: Whatever, it all turned out well in the end.]
Dadan: Hey you cant just leave like that. Yelled Garp wanting him to come back.
Garp: Sure I can. Said Garp offhandedly.
[Sengoku: Really Garp. He said as he facepalmed himself.]
Dadan: What about getting oay. Screamed dadan.
Garp: Just put it on my tab. Garp said while laughing.
[Tsuru: How childish.]
Dadan: This isnt a bar you know.
Garp: Whatever.
When Garp left Luffy and Ace headed inside the house and that is where Luffy got held hostage by two bandits.
Bandit 1: Hey kid give us all your money, he said, trying to scare Luffy.
Bandit 2: yeah give us your money.
Luffy: But I dont have any money.
Bandit 2: the call your parents and we will let you go to your parents in exchange for money.
Luffy: But I dont have any parents. Said luffy
Bandit 1: Then who do you have? Asked the bandit.
Luffy: I have a grandpa. Said luffy
[Brooke: Well they are in for a surprise.]
[Nami: Yeah no kidding.]
Bandit 1: What is his name?
Dadan: His name is Garp. Said an annoyed Dadan.
[Everyone: What a surprise they sweatdropped.]
Every bandit: WHAT DID YOU SAY? Screamed every bandit in the house.
Dadan: I said he is GARP's GRANDSON. Dadan yelled getting annoyed from all the yelling.
Random bandit: Dammit boss you have no backbone.
[Zoro: See. He looked at kuina.]
[Kuina: What ever.]
Dadan: If you have a problem with it, put it up with Garp not me.
Dadan: Anyways, it is time for dinner. Dadan said as a giant plate of food was set on the ground. As everyone saw this, everyone began running towards the plate of food and began beating eachother for it. Everyone was getting kicked, punched, thrown around and getting beaten.
[Sanji: How diagusting.]
[Thatch: I cant believe this is how they raise a kid.]
[Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama really had to live like this ]
[Bartolameo: So Mr.Luffys life has always been tough. He cried]
[All mothers: how awful.]
With all of this happening Luffy tried to eat but got kicked and slammed into a wall. Enraged Luffy began hitting things without looking and gets thrown into making him crash into her. Enraged Dadan stops this whole mess.
[Crocodile: Finally. Getting annoyed.]
[Doflamingo: I eould have killed them mercilessly if I wasnt stuck in this damn room.]
Dadan: That is enough you fools. Dadan yelled as everyone stopped.
After that everyone got a piece of meat except for one.
Dadan: Hey kid, she told Luffy.
Dadan: A bowl of rice and a bottle of water is all I am giving you. After this I am putting you to work. This means I am going to teach you how to steal, pick pocket, clean shoes, mop the house and more.
[Sanji: Seriously, thats it.]
[Chopper: That isnt enough for a growing boy.]
[Brook: Poor Luffy.]
Luffy: But why? Asked a confused Luffy.
Luffy: I also want more food, pops, luffy said.
Dadan: I am a WOMAN. Yelled an enraged Dadan.
[Franky: Its pretty hard to tell.]
Dadan: And plus if you want more food, you are gonna have to ask Ace for it.
Dadan: So you see, Ace hunts for food and gives some too us, in return he gets to live here. Dadan explained.
[Thatch: WHAT!! He screamed enraged.]
[Roger: This is not how I wanted my son to live.]
[Rouge: My poor baby.]
After that Luffy asked Ace for some food in which Ace denied. Enraged Luffy starts attacking ace which doesn't end well as Ace slams him to the ground.
Luffy: But I am hungry.
Dadan then slams a knife on the ground near Luffy's neck.
[This got many scared.]
Dadan: listen here kid, do you even know where you are?
Luffy: No. Said Luffy
[Shanks begins laughing until he got hit on the head by Benn.]
Dadan: Well I will tell you. You see you are at the house and base of the GREAT DADAN FAMILY!! Said Dadan commandingly.
[Chopper: Scary.]
[Usopp: This woman is giving me the creeps.]
[Robin: Thats the point.]
Dadan: So if you dont like it here, you can go and die like an animal.
[This got many reactions like Garp getting mad, the strawhats looking sad and angry, his harem looking ready to kill, and his enemies looking happy and mad she didnt finish the job.]
Luffy: Well that is okay because I am going to be the greatest pirate one day. Exclaimed Luffy.
[This got everyone shocked by Luffy's conviction and determination.]
Luffy: So if this is what I have to the okay.
[Hearing this made past pirates like Roger, Rayleigh, and Whitebeard proud.]
Dadan: Seriously kid. Dadan said shocked.
On the other side of Luffy, Ace notices this and is shocked as well. After dinner Ace gets up and leaves the house. Seeing this Luffy got up as well and started to follow him.
Luffy: Hey Ace I am no longer mad about what you did and I forgive you. Se lets become friends, yelled Luffy.
[Seeing this made Shanks shed a tear, and many others happy.]

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