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Today was a strange day for V. She would usually wake up thinking about N and continue like that for the whole day, but today was different. As much as she wanted to think of N, she couldn't, something was making her have a strange feeling. She felt that something bad was coming today, something that genually threatens her. V decided to take special care today, she wouldn't be suspscious or do anything today. Just relax and observe.

V's alarm went off. It was time for her to go to school and wait for N. She changed and walked to the entrance of the school and leaned on the wall, as usual. The students started to pass by her, and she could hear their conversation.

"Did you see that they found a body in the forest?"
"Wait, really?"

"Rebecca's body was found in the forest with a missing jaw. Just talking makes me want to throw up"
"That's fucking cruel. Hope the killer get's fucked in the worst way possible"

"Hey V. You shouldn't stay out here like nothing is happening" V turned to look at who was talking to her and saw J standing there with her arms crossed.

J is a very know figure on the school. She is responsible for a good amount of projects the school made. She also is the daughter of a very important family on the city and works hard, too hard, some would say. V and J were "friends", they knew eachother and talked a good amount, but that's about it.

"I'm just waiting for someone. He shouldn't take too much to appear" J snickered.

"You and your strange habit of knowing when peaople are going to appear, but let me guess. You're talking about that cute boy aren't you?" V gave J a cold look.

"Cute boy?"

"Yeah. N was his name I guess" As J said that, N would appear.

"Hey V!" He said with a smile. He noticed J standing on V's side "O-Oh. Hi J" N panicked and did a quick bow, making J chuckle.

"Don't need to bow boy" J walked close to N "But don't call me just by my name. Call me Miss. J, unterstood?" She said with a strict tone, making N scared.

"Y-Yes J, I mean, Miss. J" J smiled and grabbed N's chin with her fingers, bringing his face closer to her. V stared daggers at J's back.

"Good boy. I might even give you a treat in the future~" N blushed a lot. J started laughing and left, blowing a kiss to N and waving to V. N waved back and looked at V, who was staring coldly towards the direction J went.

"Hmm, V?" V looked at him, her emotion did not change "Are you alright?" He said as he got closer to her. V noticed this and started to blush a little, quickly backing away and covering her face.

"I-It's nothing. Don't worry" She put her hands away "Let's go inside, it's dangerous out here" N nodded with a smile and they made their way inside. They entered their class. N found a letter in his desk, it was from J, it said for him to read it alone. N turned to V, who had a suspscious look.

"So V. Class is starting. You should go to your desk" N said while scratching the back of his head. V sighed and nodded, walking to her desk. She saw N opening the letter and tried to see what was written on it, but it was too far for her to see, but she didn't have a good feeling about that. V didn't care if J could be considered a friend or was important, she would kill her if she got in her way.

The class occured as usual, nothing strange happened, but V was too suspscious of everything. That letter, the way J was acting towards N in the morning. It couldn't be a good singn, so V would have to approach things carefully now, as J had similar capabilities to her.

The bell rang. It was lunch time. V saw N leaving quickly, so she decided to follow him. N walked to the back of the school, where he would stop and wait. V didn't move, just watched from afar. Soon, J appeared and walked to N.

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