Chapter 8:

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We pushed our heavy trolleys along through the train station. There were muggle families everywhere. Harry, Ron, and Hermione finally stopped at a brick wall right between platforms 10 and 9.

"You want to go first, Hermione?" Harry asked. "Sure," at that, she ran right through the brick wall. I took a step back, did none of the muggles just witness a child running through a wall. I looked around to check. Guess not.

Next, Ron ran through. Harry was smiling so big at me. I couldn't help but smile back. "I love magic." I told him. He nodded. "I'll go first then wait for you on the other side, ok?" He told me. I nodded hesitantly, and watched him run through the wall.

I took a deep breath, gripped my trolly harder, then ran. Somewhere in the process I had closed my eyes and held my breath.

When I had successfully gotten through the wall, a voice next to me spoke up, "it's alright, you can open your eyes." I opened them to see a beautiful red and gold train sitting, waiting on the tracks. Children were getting on and their parents were waving goodbye to them. Smoke filled the small platform every time the train's whistle went off.

It was amazing. Harry was watching me. I turned to him and smiled brightly. He lead me over to where we put our trunks and got on the train.

We walked through the long hallway of the train. Kids sat in all of the compartments, not a single one open. We chose to sit in one where a man was asleep against the window.

"Who's he?" Asked Ron. "Professor R. J. Lupin." Hermione said matter of factly. "How does she know everything," Ron asked Harry. "It's on his suitcase." she said. "Idiot," she muttered under her breath.

I laughed. I loved my brother, he really knew how to pick the best friends. We laughed and joked for a long time. We were almost halfway there, Hermione had informed me, so I left to go change into my robes.

But as I was walking down towards the bathrooms, I saw Draco standing, talking to a girl with raven black hair. "Draco!" I called. His head wiped in my direction. His eyes fell on me, and his face softened, and he smiled. "Hey Maddie!" He said, he bid goodbye to the girl he was talking to, and walked over to me.

His blonde hair shimmered in the sunlight as he walked towards me. "Enjoying the ride?" He asked. "Oh yeah, it's great!" I told him. "The view is amazing isn't it?" He asked looking out the window.

"Yeah," I sighed. There wasn't anything like this back in America. But as we were looking out the window, a storm rolled in and it began to downpour.

It became foggy out, and the windows frosted over. "Draco?" I reached out and grabbed his hand. "Is this normal?" I asked. I was scared. I didn't know why. It was only a storm. But I could sense something. Something not right with the storm.

Draco held my hand tightly, then started pulling me further down the train. Faster and faster. Till we reached the end. He shoved me into the small bathroom and quickly crammed in behind me.

"Draco?" I whispered. What the hell is happening. He put a hand over my mouth. "Shhh!" He said, panic lacing his words. His eyes wide.

Cold swept over us, it felt like I'd never be happy again. Like something or someone was close and was draining it away, feeding on it.

We stayed in that bathroom for a few more minutes. He slowly opened the bathroom door and peeked out. The hall was clear. Kids were peeking out from their compartments looking up and down the hall of the train.

I took off. I had to get to Harry. I felt something wasn't right. But as I started to walk, he grabbed my wrist. "Maddie," Draco said. "Are you ok?" I turned around, "yes, yes, I'm fine but I need to check on Harry." I told him and turned back around.

I got to the compartment he was in. Harry was passed out on the floor, Hermione above him, begging him to wake up. Ron sat terrified on the couch. And professor Lupin sat on the other side of Harry.

"Harry!" I yelled, and fell down to my knees. "It's alright, he's going to be ok." Lupin reassured me.

"Are you sure?" I asked, looking at my unconscious brother. Hermione touched my arm gently. I looked up at her with pleading eyes. She smiled softly and nodded at me.

I took a deep breath and looked back down to see Harry's eyes slowly fluttering open. "Harry?!" I asked.

I sat up and looked around, not recignising where he was. "Maddie?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head. "Here eat this," Professor Lupin handed over a small portion of chocolate he had broken off the bar of it he was holding. Harry ate it.

After a while of sitting and talking, we finally arrived at Hogwarts. We all got our trunks and Harry, Hermione and Ron started to head for the carriages. "Harry!" I called after him.

He turned around almost instantly, said something to his friends and quickly walked over to me. "You have to follow Hagrid, he'll take you to the castle." Harry told me. "I know, it's just," I looked down, "What if I don't get into Gryffindor?" I looked back up into his emerald green eyes. He had a soft expression on.

"Maddie," he said, "I don't care. I don't care if you get Slytherin. I'm just happy you're here, and we can be together again." I could feel the tears pricking my eyes. I hugged him. "Thanks Harry." 

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