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Chapter 1: The blow up

Chapter 1: The blow up

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Essence's Pov


I didn't know what to feel. What to think. Everything felt surreal, almost as if time stopped. I couldn't breathe and my focus was beginning to blur from the tears that began to fill my eyes. My body felt hot, yet my blood ran cold. Ears still absorbing the chaos before but, still having a ring rise in them.

"Essence, honey I promise you'll be okay."

Is this what heartbreak felt like? Watching a scene before you that ended what you thought was a perfectly good relationship.

How could 10 years of being with someone go down the drain in just a split second. All the "He ain't shit" and "you will be okay's" flew in one ear and out the other. This was someone I had been with since my first year of high school.

What was I to do now? No job, no car, no home. Was I to leave this man with nothing to my name? That would be stupid. I couldn't think to show my face back home and face the pitied looks on my family's face.

My poor mother. What would she think?

2 months. It had only been 2 months since I moved out to Manhattan to be with my fiancé and had come back from an interview to find him in our bed with 2 women who looked nothing like me.

And now, 2 months later, I'm sitting on a couch in a room with that bastard for couples therapy. Trying to save a marriage that was doomed from the moment I stepped foot on that plane.

"Anything you decide is your choice alone Essence. Cheating breaks trust and Gavin has done that. But,"

At the sound of 'but' I went into another daze. Blocking out whatever bullshit this man was about to spew out of his fucking mouth. I couldn't stand the enabling bullshit men had for each other.

They made excuses for one another and rarely held themselves accountable. But, I'm part to blame myself. I wasn't innocent.

I stayed.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

It was better than proving my family right. That was something I could not accept. So here I was.

"If you want this to work, you have to forgive Gavin and move on. Judging from his journal entries, he's moved on- you? Not so much." I sliced my eyes over to the man before and watched as he scanned over both entries and released a deep sigh.

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