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Chapter 14: Pyramids

Chapter 14: Pyramids

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Essence POV

I received an ear full from Shanice when I made it downstairs. Even though it was both of our fault she managed to put the blame on. I had to remind her, she wasn't driving so she had no reason to be upset.

Invalid but, it got her off my back.

The ride to the dock was about 10 minutes. The closer we got the more my stomach felt queasy. After talking to Adriano, I didn't have the same intentions I did earlier.

The man I was growing fond of would be back in a week and I honestly didn't need another man thinking he has a chance when he doesn't.

I smiled to myself, thinking back to our conversation. It felt good talking to him again. I missed it, I wish we could've talked longer but, I didn't want to turn into one of those boy crazy friends who cancel plans just to be up under their man all day.

Even though he's not my man.

The sun was beginning to set, creating a soft yellow glow over our skin. Of course, this was temptation that Shanice couldn't resist. "Come on girl." She demanded, I leaned over as the light bounced off our skin. Posing, I place my lips against her cheek as I feel them lift into a smile.

"Cute!" She blushes, looking up, she looks around the driver seat to see the view ahead. "We're almost there girly. I can see the boat yard."

Silently, we both begin to pack our things so we can exit when the car came to a stop.

I was nervous to say the less. I'd never been around this type of crowd. This was more of Shanice's scene but, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and do this for her since she asked and I did need a night out.

As I zipped my purse and slid my sandals back on, the car slows down before coming to a complete stop. The driver exits the car and makes haste with opening both Shanice and my door.

Giving a smile and a quick 'thank you', Shanice grabs my hand as we make way to the boat.

We received some looks of judgment and others of admiration. I think we all know which looks were for who.

We stepped on to the boat with help of the crew. They offered to take my purse down to the bottom deck but I declined. I did not know these people like that and I wanted to keep my things, with me.

"Shanice, baby doll welcome!" I looked around to see a middle aged white man approaching. He was no taller than 6'3 maybe, grey streaks making their appearance through his brunette styled hair. He wore classic black shorts with an unbuttoned beach shirt and white slippers.

"Brandon, hi!" Shanice greeted, she still held my hand as she delivered a side hug to the man who I now know as Brandon. "Where's nick?" She asked, stepping back by my side, looking around for her friend.

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