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Naruto was making his way to his assigned team

Kakashi,Sasuke and Sakura

Of course he'd done research,what'd you take him for!?!?


Well all the knowledge he has about the three is what he got from his Jiji...

I mean c'mon! It's no big deal! Their gonna have introduction anyways!

Though he's not pretty sure of how to face em' when he's two hours late.......

Why you may ask?

Well he was so excited to meet them,that he wasted all his energy and fell asleep only wake up and from that he's late,so right now he's running to make his way to his new kouhah

God,iruka-san will kill him,for sure,he still teaches here after all


Sasuke was looking the window

Kakashi was seated in one of the seat,head down,facing forward,In a very lazy stance

Sakura was tapping her foot repeatatly  in impatience,that was starting to get annoying the more she did it

"Oh god,why isn't our sensei here? What was their name again? Naru......naru........"

But none of them helped her

'god why is out sensei such an unpunctual person!?! And even great I got ignored by both of the most handsome boys in our class,I still can't believe that I've been paired up with both! Kakashi and Sasuke! Just my luck! Eno is so jealous,after all faith choose me! Now only if out stupid sensei come now!'

Sakura was beyond pissed,I mean how long does it takes!? It's been what? Two hours?! Two freaking hours!?!? Yet theirs no sign of her or him,though the name sounded rather feminine when she heard it,even though she doesn't remember it right now

Of course,she can't show her frustration right now,she's Infront of her two crush!!!

Just when Sakura was in her internal monologue the door slid open to reveal a women,with blond hair,two pigtails,the hair coming almost below her waist,their were whiskers on her cheeck,either side,bright blue eyes

Dressed in an orange and black jumpsuit thingy,thay stopped at her thighs

And lastly,the sandels,to her knees

She was huffing as if out of breath


Sakura pointed an finger at their sensei as to empathize the fact that she was

Naruko rubbed the back of her head,her eyes closed as an guilty expression crossed her face

"Ah,I am sorry.......Sakura..?" She asked as if not sure

Sakura faintly nodded

"Ah,sorry sakura-chan! It will not happen again!"

as Sakura was the only girl in the team and neither kakashi nor Sasuke sounded like an girls name,though who knows? Maybes theirs even more I unpredictable ninja out there

Just to make sure

Naruko's gaze then shifted to her other cute students and it seemed they also weren't pleased by herate-ness

"Ah well,how about we meet at the roof top of this building,its pretty sweaty right now" to empathize the face she took the collar of her outfit and start fralling it

Naru-senseiiiii!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now