A Second to the Last Entry

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An entry once more
Perhaps this will be the TODAY

Of the yesterdays

It starts with
" Dear Diary

This love
I have found myself in
I can't draw a line to
Nor can I describe it in shape or color

It's form abstract and deeper than a paper canvas

More than strokes of a pencil or the color of paint

But it seems to find itself in my words
It entangled itself with the things of him

His posture his gait
His arms his face

It ignores every detail in favor of him
Yet it focuses on the miniscule

A contrasting emotion this was
It drove me to run away, to flee
But it drags me by my heels to my knees
Scraped against the floor to be with him

Where images and colors have failed words have power

But I feel a change soon
The tower

Stands tall in the distance
Set ablaze by thunder and lighting

A change was about to come
Though 6 months of friendship entailed 6 months of his love

I fear that tomorrow his love will cease to be
And I fear that so will mine

Come morrow we will be free of here.

When the two pillars fell and became arches
Whose to say half an arch can stand on its own"
I remember this
This was before that had happened

I remember how sickly sweet I felt when I saw those words

But I can't admonish their love
Misplaced as it was
It was right and true

I read the following

"We had talked earlier this night

I waited till everyone else was asleep in their tents

And walked to Cam's

Pulling open the tent
I see that he wasn't there
His light was left on

And I walk in to turn it off
I wonder where he could have been
As I walk out

I walk to the entrance of our tent, and pull it aside

The buttons on the entrance popping
As the cold midnight air seeped in and through my skin

I walk outside
I could feel the stones

Roll with each step
As they do everytime
Recounting the same amount of steps I take to get
To the same place

The cafeteria

I pull aside the entrance the tent covering the faint pale aquamarine light outside

As I let it fall behind me I see him

He stands beside the vending machine
A can of soda in hand
He barely notices me as he stares off blankly to the side
Swirling the can as he held it beside his chest

But he does
And he looks at me
His face partially lit by the vending machine
He stops swirling it

And he asks me why I was still awake
As I walk to him the bright glow of the machine stings my eyes

But I still look at him

And I tell him I needed to talk to him

He lowers the held can
And I continue

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