The Present [6]

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I hope Kirstie loves this present .

I mean we have been together for 1 year . She's always asked for this . Ever since her mothers death.

I want her to feel extra special today. I love her so much .

I put the item in its box. I went down stairs to eat .

I heard the door bell ring . I got out of my seat and went to open the door.

It was Kirstie .

"Hey Mitch "

"Kirstie what are you doing here I thought you went shopping with Esther ."

"We finished quick "

"Ok so are you happy it's your birthday "

"Not really , my moms not here " she said crying.

"Kirstie , babe I'm here to make it special for you " I said.

"You are "

"Yes I love you , me and you have been going out for over a year."

"I know "

"I have setting very special for you , I'm going to go get it ."

I ran upstairs and went to my room.

I got it and went down stairs . She was sitting on the couch .

"Ok I want you to stand up " I said.


She stood up and I took out the box. She grabbed it and opened it.

"Oh my , Mitch you got it for me" she said .

"Yes I know you've wanted it for so long "

"It must have costed you a lot Mitch "

"Kirstie I love you "

"I love you too"

"Can I put it on you " I said .

"Yeah " she turned around . I put the necklace on her .

It's a heart with her moms name engraved .

She hugged me . She kissed me . Of course I had to kiss back .

" thanks for everything "

" your welcome " I said .


Ok so there it is. This was a another ideas from :

I hope you liked how it turned out .

If you have any ideas please DM me or comment .

If you have a one shot book and you have had that idea for your own book please don't give the idea to me .

Love you ❤️❤️❤️

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