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 Authors POV: Again a reminder... Images in the story are not mine. I just own the story lines, credit of the images goes to their actual owner...

Y/N    : Hello?!
???     : Hello... Dear... (Smirks) (old man voice)
Y/N    : Who is it? (Confused)
???     : Your dark past... The person who sold you at an orphanage..... Your Dad... Min Y/N.... (Smirks)
Y/N       : (shocked) y-o-uuu?! (Unable to believe) (scared) (tears forming in eyes)
Mr. Min: You know what dear... I missed you (cringe voice)
Y/N    : SHUT UP! WHY THE HELL YOU MISS ME? (Shouts) (tears rolling down)
Mr. Min : Oo.. don't you miss me?... Let it be... Let's get to the point (evil smirk) I want money.. (strict voice)
Y/N   : I-i don't hav-e mon-e-y... (Wipes her tears)(scared)(her past flashing infront of her eyes)
Mr. Min : Right now you are the daughter of the second largest company in Korea.. and you are lieing to me? Huh?!
Y/N    : (starts crying) Ho-w do-o you kn-o-w?
Mr. Min : STOP CRYING BITCH! GIVE ME MONEY!(shouts enough to break her heart)
Y/N    : ple-as-e spa-re m-ee...
Mr. Min : Don't worry I know your house aswell... I will come TODAY.. (cuts the call)

Authors POV: After call ends... She started crying her lungs out.. her past was flashing infront of her... The death of her mom.. The torture she faced... The fear to be left alone... Everything was flashing infront of her... Let me take you to her past..
                              (Flash back)

Authors POV: Y/N was 6 years when she was studying in her room.. she heard some sounds from her parents room when she was about to enter she heard a gunshot sound.. she slowly peeked inside the room and saw her mom lying dead on the floor her dad was holding the gun... She was broked, she was unable to understand what was going on her life.. she runs towards her room and locked herself... That whole night she cried hugging her knees. She acted like she didn't saw anything infront of her dad.. but secret is meant to be revealed someday... After 1 year, Y/N had a habbit to write diaries everyday.. one day her father saw it and starts reading she wrote about her mom's death too and that's when he started torturing her too.. like mental torture, physical torture, harassment etc... After somedays he got a offer he have to sell his daughter to his friends orphanage and he would be paid a handsome price of money... Y/N was just 12 years when he sold her... But she was saved by Jimin's parents... Now back to present...

                         (End of flashback)

Y/N    : WHY GOD?! WHY ME?! (shouts while crying)

                           (With Jm & JK)

Jimin : Is someone crying?
Jungkook: (recognise the voice) Not someone stupid your sister is crying.. (worried)
Jimin : What? (Both goes to check on her)

                             (With Y/N)

Y/N   : (crying hard, eyes red and swallon)
Jungkook: (can't understand)(heart breaks looking at her)
Jimin : (Pat's her back) Hey! What happened? Don't cry.. (hella worried)
Jungkook: Why are you crying? (Concerned)
Y/N    : Just leave me alone... Leave me! Go from here.... (Buries her face between her knees)
Jimin : (hugs her) sisy! Shhh... I am your brother... Tell me what's the matter?
Jungkook: Y/N.. (softly) look at me...
Y/N    : (breaks the hug) (wipes her tears) (looks at Jungkook) He wan-ts mo-n-ey... He wi-l-l c-ome a-tt an-y ti-m-ee....
Jungkook:(shocked) Who is coming?
Y/N    : (thinks for a moment)
Jimin : Trust us Y/N....
Y/N   : My dad... (Sad)... He tortured me for 5 years.... (tells them about her past) so.. he found me... He wants money.. (sobs)
Jimin : Calm down... I will bring some water... (He left)
Jungkook: Y/N?! Why you never told us about your past before?
Y/N    : I-i actu-all-yy... ----- (falls unconscious because of crying)
Jungkook: (panicked) Y/N! (Makes her to sit on his lap) (checks her temperature) She is having high fever... (Worried) JIMINNNN! (Shouted)

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