2017. 04. 21-23.

338 32 197

angol (ignore hogy nem british english de ez egyszerűbb, meg pls ignore a hibákat ez just for fun) - Louis szemszög - 5555 szó

Louis walks out to the little backyard of the school to smoke during lunch break. Just as he's trying to light his cigarette, the door opens and Alex steps out. He steps down on the stairs taking his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.

Louis is sitting on a bigger piece of stone that he likes.

"What's up?" Alex mumbles after taking a few drags. "I did your English homework"

Alex throws his notebook into Louis' lap.

"In your own notebook?" Frowns Louis.

"Appreciate it, dammit! You're welcome. Just give it back when you're done copying it"

"It's the least you can do, after I gave you all that weed half off." Says Louis taking the notebook into his hand. Nowadays, the best deal for him is when people do his school work because he's sure as hell won't do them himself.

"Whatever" Alex rolls his eyes. He stays quiet for a while when suddenly something funny comes into Louis' mind.

"So, which asshole is gay now?" Smirks Louis with his cigarette between his lips.

"Shut the fuck up"

"That is just the funniest shit I've heard. So which one is it? Cause people talk but I don't remember names" shrugs Louis. The news were all over the school but he didn't pay enough attention to know which friend of Alex is the one who is apparently gay. "Always thought it would be you"

"Okay, fuck you, Tomlinson. Seriously, it's none of your damn business"

"M just sayin'" Louis laughs a little and takes another drag. "Which one though?"

"You asking this is fucking disgusting." Alex shakes his head angrily.

"You're so offended and for what?" Louis lets out another sarcastic laugh. "So, me calling you guys assholes is actually valid"

"You're so fucking annoying" Alex seems like he would've left him here if it wasn't for his cigarette. This means Louis can have his fun for a few more seconds.

"Not long before you all come out. I like to believe I inspire people" says Louis. "Everyone wants to be like me, am I right? So which one of you woke up and choose to be gay?"

"Laugh all you want, but I think he's serious. You're acting like a huge dick right now"

"You're acting like an asshole. Fitting, huh?"

Louis laughs at his own joke.

"You're so fucking high, dude" Alex throws away his cigarette and immediately turns to walk away.

"You're not wrong there." Louis smiles lazily. "So see you tomorrow?"

Alex flips him off before going inside the school.
Louis laughs by himself. He really is the funniest.

When he gathers some strength to go back before his classes start, he stands up. He's a little dizzy but in the best way possible. It's like walking on clouds.

Louis walks inside where the students are already crowding the hallway. He immediately finds Alex with his eyes. He's already standing with his friends by the lockers. Louis takes the time to really look at them. And not to be prejudiced, but one of them looks like the biggest jock of all time, so he has to be straight. Louis can see either of the other two being gay. He's not sure in the names. Armstrong, Styles and... Louis can't even think of the third one. After analysing them for a few seconds, Louis grabs his stuff from his own locker.

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