Shared feelings (kinda spicy?)

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Shu pushed Luca away from the hug to look into his eyes with a confused expression. They felt the same way? What? Was this really true?
"Please tell me that you're not joking right now Luca.."
He had grabbed him by the shoulders, still staring at him and now slightly shaking because of happines.

"I mean it Shu. I.. I really, really like you. I never knew if I could tell you though because I was scared that this was going to go wrong since I didn't know if you felt the same. I didn't want to put our friendship at stake but after you kissed me I-"
Shu put his hand on Luca's mouth, stopping him from saying more.
"What did you just say Luca?"

Luca pointed to Shu's hand, signaling him to remove it from his mouth so he could talk.
"Yes kiss.. We already kissed twice Shu. I think you can't remember because you were drunk both times and-"
Shu didn't let him finish his sentence, this time he had leaned in to kiss the blonde haired boy, Luca being surprised for a second but then grabbing Shu and pulling him closer. His hands were slowly drifting down Shu's back, the smaller shaking a bit in response. This was what it felt like to kiss Luca... He loved it.

Pulling away from their kiss for a second, Luca stared into Shu's eyes, a smile starting to form on his lips. Since Shu had put make up on his face, some of it was now on his lips and Luca had to smile even more. Shu looked so cute right now. He leaned in again, kissing him once more very carefully; he wanted to take this as slow as Shu would want to.

(might be spicy?)

Shu didn't want to take things this slow though. Knowing that he and Luca had already kissed without him knowing was making him jealous of his drunk self. He wanted to make this kiss even better than the ones when being intoxicated.
His hands wrapped around Luca's neck and he started to climb on top of his lap to be as close to him as possible. Luca felt his stomach starting to feel all weird while his brain was getting fuzzy as Shu did that.

Not knowing if it was alright to touch Shu more than what he already did, he tried to slowly slip his hands underneath the back of the shirt Shu was wearing, his hands touching the skin on Shu's back. This earned him a surprised sound from Shu and him pulling away from the kiss again, looking flustered.
"Can I touch you like this Shu?"
He only nodded in response, his cheeks turning a soft red while he felt Luca's hands touching his skin again. They weren't usually this cold, was he nervous?

"Luca your hands are cold.."
Shu was now hiding his face in Luca's neck, his breath feeling warm against it. He felt Lucas' hands shake and decided to try something out, bringing his lips to Luca's neck and giving him a kiss there. This action was met by Luca holding his breath and stopping to shake. His hands were now going up on Shu's back, the shirt being pulled upward as well, exposing Shu's back now. The cold air of the room felt cold, yet warm against his skin. In comparison to Lucas' hands it was actually warm.

They didn't talk anymore and just did what they wanted to do now; show each other that they loved them. Luca now started to bring his face closer to Shu's neck as well. This time he could actually kiss him and not think about if it was right anymore. He just went for it, kissing him right below his ear, making Shu gasp. The purple haired boy stopped kissing him and wrapped his hands around Luca's upper body now, grabbing onto his shirt tightly. He was blushing like crazy now, hoping Luca wouldn't accidentally leave a mark.

That was exactly what Luca did though. And he would make sure this wouldn't be the only one. Why was this so emberassing for Shu. Luca kissing him like this would be the normal thing to do now, right? Maybe he would just need to be bold like Luca...
Shu suddenly pushed Luca backwards, making him land on his back on the soft bed, having to look up at Shu.
"Wow.. You're beautiful"
Luca just looked up and straight into Shu's eyes, making him blush again. Leaning down to shut him up, Shu kissed Luca again, grabbing his hands and trying to pin him down on the bed but failed and Luca started grinning.

"What are you grinning at? If you can do it that much better why not show me?.." Shu looked a bit annoyed at Luca for looking this stupid right now.
"Sure.." In the next second, Shu was already lying down on the bed, not even knowing how Luca turned them around this quickly. Without giving Shu a second to understand what was happening, Luca grabbed Shu's hands and pinned them against the sheets, now smiling down innocently.

He wouldn't give Shu a break from feeling emberassed, would he? His cheeks were practically burning with how emberassing this was. Especially since he told Luca to do that and he was now lying underneath him like this. Not being able to move his arms was getting him nervous, especially since Luca was getting so close to his neck again.
"I love you Shu"
Shu's face turned even more red now, which should actually be impossible at this point, yet it somehow managed to. Since he couldn't move his hands, he couldn't get Luca to stop this really and just layed there, trying to not get too nervous.

Luca was starting to kiss Shu's neck a bit rougher now, the marks he left now becoming impossible to miss. He didn't care that he left them. Actually he did but he liked that he left them. Everybody would know that Shu was his now. Still being busy with kissing Shu's neck, he brought Shu's hands up over his head and held them there with only one of his hands now to have the other to touch Shu. It was slowly sliding underneath Shu's shirt again, pulling it upward and revealing some of his stomach.

At this point Shu was just closing his eyes so he wouldn't have to look at Luca's face anymore since this was getting way too emberassing. He was starting to shiver when Luca's hand was slowly going up his body and even onto his chest. Feeling it there made his heart beat rapidly and Luca could feel it's rhythm in his fingers. Since it was going this fast he knew that Shu was probably liking what was happening right now but that he might also be a bit nervous, so he let go of his hands and put one of them underneath his own shirt and onto his chest.
"Don't worry Shu.. me too."

Shu smiled as he could feel that Luca was just as nervous and put his hand on his cheek while feeling Luca's heartbeat. Luca leaning down again and kissing Shu once more was helping him relax more since he knew that what they were doing was prooving their equal feelings for each other. He was so happy right now. Luca slowly moving his kisses from his neck down to his collarbones was making this whole situation even better for Shu. He loved every second of this and didn't want to ever stop this. Even though his face was burning hot, this just felt too good to stop now. If this was just a dream he didn't want to wake up.

"Shu? Is it okay if you take off the shirt? I mean only if you want to.. it's kind of getting in my way right now.."
Luca was already tugging on the shirt to move it even more up on Shu's body, who just nodded again, looking a bit scared though. He hoped that Luca would be gentle and not do things too fast. Not to lie, he also couldn't really wait but he also hated to rush this. This was the first time they kissed and they actually said they loved each other. No... wait they didn't. Shu didn't say it back yet.

He looked at Luca, who immediatly stopped his movements, hoping he didn't do anything wrong. He looked like a puppy who did something wrong and was now going to get scolded.
"Luca, I love you too"
Luca's demeanor immediatly changed as he heard Shu finally saying it back to him. He pulled off Shu's shirt, leaving him exposed underneath him and starting to kiss him on his shoulders, slowly making his way down his upper body. Shu's breath hitched, feeling Luca's lips go down his body like this. This whole situation was starting to feel so intense for Shu right now since he wasn't used to this kind of physical contact. It was making his head spin, yet he craved more of those touches and kisses. Wait wait what was Luca doing.. why was he suddenly going even further down his stomach? This was getting a bit too much right noe but Shu couldn't get himself t move away.
The doorbell rang.

(words: 1567)

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