The puppy

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The next morning, Shu was the first to wake up. His head was spinning; did he drink this much? He couldn't even remember. He felt something around his stomach and as he looked, he saw a pair of arms wrapped around him. At first he was panicking but after he realized it was Luca he calmed down a bit.
'Wait. Luca?' He started to freak out again.
'What am I doing in Luca's bed? Oh god.. please tell me we didn't do something stupid.'

He tried to get Luca to let him go without waking him up and started to loosen his grip on him. As Shu almost got out of Luca's grasp, he felt himself get pulled backwards even more and a sleepy Luca mumbling something along the lines 'stay here with me.'
"Luca? Luca are you awake? Can you let me go please?"
"No. I'm still asleep."
He pulled Shu even closer to himself and made sure he couldn't escape; his face close to Shu's neck.
"Lucaa... that tickles. Let gooo."
Shu started to wiggle around in an attempt to free himself from Luca.
"Let gooo."
"Never. You're way too comfy to cuddle. Please just a bit longer.."
Luca loosened his grip on Shu a bit since he didn't want to hurt him but he hoped that Shu would stay there with him.
"Luca I need to go to the toilet... that's why I wanted to go."
Luca let go of him now so Shu could go to the bathroom, which he immediatly did.

While Luca slowly started to wake up, Shu had locked the door to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He was still wearing his clothes from the day before, which was a good sign. They couldn't have done something they might regret later on.
His hair that he had put much effort into yesterday was now a complete mess and the flower Luca put into it looked squished and started to dry. He undid the messy braid and looked at the soft curls that were now noticeable in his hair.
His eye make up also looked a bit smudged but it wasn't too bad, so he decided to keep it on and stepped outside the bathroom to a now fully awake Luca, that was putting on some new clothes.

"What happened last night Luca?"
Shu was looking at Luca, trying to understand what had happened that he slept over at the Kaneshiro's house.
Luca turned to face away from Shu in emberassment, hiding his face from the purple haired boy.
"Nothing much actually. You just got a bit drunk so I let you sleep over. I couldn't let you be to your own devices. That's all."
"Oh okay. Thank you for letting me stay the night. I was a bit worried that I did something weird.."
"Nono the night was pretty pog. Nothing much happened. And you didn't do anything except fall asleep pretty early."

Luca finished putting on the new clothes and gave Shu a big smile, holding his thumb up, when all of a sudden a golden ball of furr jumped on Shu, barking like crazy.
"No. Let Shu go. Stop that."
Luca's voice was not stern as he talked to the dog, instead he laughed a bit and pucked up the puppy, petting it's head.
"Aww what a cute little puppy."
"Yeah he is cute.. and usually he doesn't just jump on people.. are you alright Shubert?"
Shu brushed a bit of dirt off his pants and nodded, looking at the puppy in Luca's arms.
"Everything's alright. Just a bit of dirt. Actually, you can let him down, I'm sure he won't do it again."
As soon as Luca let the puppy down, he came to Shu again and started barking at him, jumping up and down in front of him, until he kneeled down and scratched his head. The dog almost looked like it was smiling, now that Shu was petting it and gave his hand a few licks. Shu laughed as the dog dis this, even though it was a bit disgusting, since he could just wash his hands afterwards.

A few minutes later, Shu sat on the floor, the puppy having fallen asleep in his lap, and stopped petting him.
"Wow he never did that with me. I guess he likes you more than me."
Luca pouted a bit as he saw his dog sleep in Shu's lap but at the same time this sight was something he wanted to never forget. He took out his phone and quickly took a photo of the two, smiling again.
"What are you doing Luca? Did you take a photo? Don't... I look dead."
Shu covered his face with his hands, but it was too late since Luca already took the photo of him and the puppy.
"Too late."

Luca grinned and laughed at Shu's emberassed face, taking another photo of Shu and the puppy, before being chased by him through the room to get the phone.
"You'll never get it. You're too short Shu."
Shu leaned onto Luca to try and reach the phone he was holding up, not caring about how close they were to each other right now. As Shu's face was almost on Luca's, he started to get a bit of blush on his cheeks and looked at Shu's face, not paying attention to the phone anymore. Shu on the other hand finally reached the phone and snatched it away from Luca, deleting the second photo, before handing it to Luca again.
"Here, you can keep this one. The other was too emberassing though.."

Shu noticed that it was already 11 in the morning, so he started panicking and looked at Luca with a surprised face.
"Luca. I need to go home now. I have a stream planned for 12 and it's already 11. Is there any chance you could drive me home? Please. I promise I will pay you back."
"Oh it's already this late? Sure. I also have a stream planned today but only at 2pm so I still have some time. Don't forget your phone and then let's go."

Shu quickly grabbed his phone, which was surprisingly loading; had Luca really thought about that as well? No time to think now, he needed to get home now. He quickly ruffled through the puppy's hair once again, before grabbing Luca by his arm and dragging him outside his room and to the cars, where Luca got to his one.

They got inside and in all the stress, Shu forgot to put on his seatbelt and wondered himself, why Luca wasn't driving. Since Shu didn't seem to notice that he hadn't put on the seatbelt yet, Luca leaned over and did it for him, looking at his face while pulling the belt over him.

After a few seconds of looking at Shu's face, Luca shook his head and got into his seat again, starting the car and driving to where Shu lived. The whole drive over, Shu looked outside the window and the rain that now started pouring down. Wasn't it supposed to be summer?

(Words: 1192)

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