Why are you all together now?

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Shu was starting to wake up when Mysta was being this loud, opening his eyes and being confused again. He took a few seconds to get used to opening his eyes and just weakly smiled when he suddenly looked into the faces of Mysta and Ike as well as Vox. He tried sitting up when he noticed that something was on his hand. Looking at it, he saw that Luca had held his hand when he was asleep and had fallen asleep as too. Trying to not panick because of how cute Luca looked while sleeping, he tried to play it cool in front of the others, hoping they wouldn't notice anything.
"Hey guys. Sorry that I fell asleep, I didn't know you would also come over."

"Shu you look awful man, you should definetly get more sleep. You look like you didn't get any sleep for the past like four days or so, that's not good."
Mysta looked at Shu's face and immediatly started to get concerned about what was going on with Shu. He didn't just look tired, he also looked super sick.
"Shu are you feeling okay, you really don't look good."
Ike was equally worried about Shu since he also didn't know what was going on with him.
"You look way better than before, I'm glad you got some rest."
Vox tried to give Shu a cheering smile but it turned out like a sad one instead. Since he knew what was going on, he also knew what would happen to Shu in the future and made a gesture towards Ike and Mysta that meant Shu should also tell them.

Shaking his head, Shu refused to tell them anything. Vox would do it then. He wanted to start speaking and telling them about it, when Luca suddenly woke up. His face was only turned to Shu so he didn't see the other three in the room just yet and smiled at Shu.
"Morning, you know you look cute when you sleep Shu. Did anyone ever tell you that?"
He then looked at the bracelets on their wrists and just had to smile more.
"So you're also always wearing it, huh? Cute."

"Ahem, we don't wanna interrupt you two lovebirds but good morning to you too Luca."
Luca turned around and as soon as he looked into the faces of the three others his face turned pale.
"Oh fu-"
"Don't worry about it, it was obvious anyway. At least on your side man. You really show that you like Shu."
Vox laughed but tried to cheer Luca up who in return got mad and said something that nobody had expected in that moment.
"Well you're also obvious about liking Ike. Tsk."
With that he turned around again and layed his head back onto the bed, looking at Shu's face who just grinned at him.
"Good job, they would've never told each other otherwise."
Shu came close and whispered that into Luca's ear before pulling back again and giving him a thumbs up.

Vox, standing next to Ike now turned pale as well, his cheeks though remaining a slightly red colour. He turned around, wanting to leave the room, when he felt Ike grab his shirt and looked back.
"Vox, is that true?"
He just looked at the ground sad, knowing Ike wouldn't like him back anyway. Wanting to leave the room to not embarrass himself further, he took Ike's hand to loosen his grip and make him let go. When he did that, Ike did let go of his shirt, yes but instead held on to his hand.
"Can we talk about this outside?"
The novelist started to walk outside the room, dragging Vox with himself.

Mysta was left standing in the room with Shu and Luca.
"Bro, am I the only one here that doesn't have some secret lover or what?"
He looked a bit offended but also started laughing at the same time. This was all such a strange situation.
"What about Mika?"
As soon as Shu said that, Mysta looked at him dead serious and went "No.". That made all three of them laugh and even Luca turn around again to look at Mysta.
"Not gonna lie though, I'm happy for you two. But Vox was right about it, Luca you're way too obvious about it."
Shu looked away and smiled because he felt a bit embarrassed that he never noticed.
"Well honestly Shu didn't even know man, I was trying my best to tell him but he didn't realize till-"

"Till what?"
Mysta looked as if his he was starting to get interested in the topic, his eyebrows wiggeling and starting to laugh at how stupid he must have looked right now.
"Until nothing-"
Luca looked at Shu as if he was saying 'Please help me, I think I messed up" but Shu just shook his head with a grin.
"Nothing Mysta, this is a bit too personal to share with you, okay?"
"Fine if you say so. Man you're so boring. I share way worse stuff on stream. Like that one time I bought a dil-"
"Mysta no. I don't want to hear that again please. Thank you."
Remembering the traumatizing stories he had heard on Mysta's streams, Shu's mind started to picture what Mysta had said at that time and he literally wanted to bleach his brain for being able to imagine that. He looked honestly disgusted.
"Mysta, why did you say that..."

Going outside with Vox, Ike pulled him into the kitchen and stood there with him. They exchanged a few looks and eventually Vox admited it to Ike.
"Yes, I like you. Will you now hate me?"
Ike just looked outside the window and shook his head. He did like Vox back and this was all he wanted, for Vox to like him back but seeing him be this sad about it just didn't feel right.
"Cheer up, okay? Otherwise telling you feels horrible."
'Telling me? Is he really going to reject me? I see.'
"You know if you want to reject me, you can also do it right now, it won't affect me that much."

'Is he really thinking that I am going to reject him. Why would I ever do that? I mean dis he look at himself, he is a very strong person characterwise as well as physical but he can also be so soft. He is just adorable when I win games against him or I'm better thab him, he always tries to be so competitive about it. He also doesn't look that bad- So why would I ever reject him? If all I would have understood him not liking me because what exactly is there to like about me?'

'Why is Ike taking this long to think? Oh shit he will reject me, I already know it. But I don't want that, I like him way too much to just get rejected. I mean it is his choice but please, please don't reject me. I love you way too much for that. I don't know if I can love someone else again as much as I love you, Ike.'

"I would never reject you, Vox."
With that Ike pulled Vox closer by his collar and wanted to give him a kiss when-
Mysta, Luca and Shu were looking at them from around the corner of the hallway.
"Bro Shu and Luca were already being very lovey dovey and all that shit but you two. I don't want to see you two eating each other's faces now. That's disgusting man."
Vox looked frozen in shock as he say the three stand there in the hallway but Ike's eyes just narrowed and he didn't care at all anymore.
"Then don't watch if you don't want to."
With that he pulled Vox down by his collar and gave him a kiss in front of all the others. Shu and Luca didn't look away and just smiled at each other, while Mysta looked traumatized beside them.
"Please not you too. I mean I have nothing against you all dating and stuff but bro- I don't wanna see that, it looks so weird."

Luca laughed at Mysta, who was still shielding his eyes from watching Ike and Vox kiss and shook his head.
"Don't worry, we're more secretive about all of this. That stuff is private and I think we won't show you this just yet. Maybe some day in the future you will see but who knows."
Mysta's face contorted into a disgusted expression, now imagining Shu and Luca kissing as well. To him he was always directly imagining what else they could do when just kissing so in his head he right now had the image of Luca and Shu and on the other hand Vox and Ike doing something he never wanted to imagine them doing.

Ike finally pulling away from the kiss, he looked at Vox's face and at how stunned he looked.
"I- uuh.. anyway."
Ike just started laughing and leaned his head onto Vox's chest, feeling relieved to finally have clarity on this regard. Finally knowing that he wasn't just imagining things when he thought Vox liked him back, he wrapped his arms around him and just stayed there with him for a bit. What they didn't realize is that Luca took out his phone and took a photo of them, crackling up.

Ike turned his head and saw Luca holding his phone up with the flash turned on.
"Oh shit."
Ike and Vox's hugging session quickly turned into Ike chasing Luca throughout every wingle room until he had finally given up on catching Luca, this man was just too fast for him. He grinned and annoyed Ike and Vox with the picture now.
"#ikeakuma, the fans will love this."

"Don't u dare."
It looked like Ike was now reaching for the kitchen drawer and a knife in it, threatening Luca.
"Okay okay, damn you're so unpog Ike. They would have loved it. I can keep the picture though, right?"
"Fine.. If you send it to me too."
Ike looked to the side embarrassed after saying this. He hated showing the others that he would love to have a picture like this with Vox on his phone, just to look at it when he felt bad from time to time.
"Okay, already sent it in our groupchat anyway."

(words: 1744)

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