P1C27: Lost

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"Callan.. I'm really glad you told me." Daphne told him as he released her from the hug, letting her pat her left over tears away with a napkin.

"I'm really glad you told me your story, and that I told you mine. I feel like we understand each other." Callan told her with a small smile.

She nodded, smiling. "You should go back to writing your letter."

Callan nodded, doing as he was told and continuing his speedy writing. By the time he was done, everyone was finished eating and his letter had reached essay length. Before he could read it over, Draco grabbed it.

"Let me see your work." He said. Callan nodded, but quickly became embarrassed when Draco began to read it out loud.

"Dear, Lucius and Narcissa. I'm sorry for not writing to you earlier, but I wasn't sure if I should and Draco told me I should have written you earlier. He told me to tell you about my stay here and so thats what I'm doing. My tie is gray, meaning I'm not in any house right now and I get to sit at whatever table I want. I'm happy about that because I've been reunited with my sister, who goes by Hyla Parkinson, and she's in Gryffindor. I also have a new friend named Luna Lovegood who's in Ravenclaw. She's a seer and she's very helpful. I've discovered that I might be a seer too, but I haven't reached my fullest potential yet. She showed me that I can see Wizzlenoppers, which are small purple fruit-fly like beings that infect peoples brains and imbue them with anger, which can only be seen by seers. She's also taught me that my instincts are very powerful and very true. I also am friends with Draco's friends and Daphne Greengrass, as well as Marcello Sunet, who Draco hates due to a fight they had over me. It was a stupid fight full of misinterpretations that I won't get into right now. Other than that, my classes have been going great. I've taken my written O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s to find out what year my knowledge is at, but now I'm just following around Draco to his classes to get a gist of how the classes go here until I'm able to use my wand, which I get back in a few days. My speech and overall health has been getting better, as I can say longer sentences far
more often nowadays, and I've been using the Room of Requirement as a gym. Now that it's the weekend, I was wondering if it was possible for you to sign a form saying I can go to Hogsmeade?" Draco recited.

"Okay, that's enough." Callan said, trying to rip the paper out of Draco's hand while not ripping the paper itself. Though, Draco's grip was too strong and he didn't want to risk ruining his letter.

"Let me finish." Draco said, continuing to read aloud. "Draco and I miss you two a lot but we also want you to know that we're doing great and that all is well. Thank you for everything, love, Callan."

"Awww!" Their group of friends, who had apparently been listening in, said loudly in harmony.

Callan blushed. "Can I have it back now?"

"Yeah. You can use my owl to mail it." Draco said before putting his two fingers in his mouth and whistling loud. Immediately, a large eagle owl dropped down to stand in front of him, waiting to serve.

As the letter was sent, breakfast time was over and they all parted ways, Draco and his friends heading to Hogsmeade (with Callan's permission to go without him while he waited for a reply), and Callan wandering the hallways, not a clue as in what to do.

"You're not going to Hogsmeade?" A voice called out behind him. Callan turned to look at who had spoken to see Marcello, walking fast to catch up with him.

Callan slowed his walk so Marcello could walk beside him before replying. "I don't have a letter yet. I don't have parents, but the Headmaster said that if I get Draco's Dad's permission I'll be allowed to go. I'm waiting for a reply."

"Oh, you don't have parents? What happened?" Marcello asked sadly.

"They died." Callan replied with a shrug.

"I'm so sorry, Orion. I can't imagine what it must have been like." Marcello frowned with genuine concern.

"Don't be. They were assholes." Callan shrugged. Marcello snorted at the suddenness of it all, thought it was short lived.

"Sorry. Your reply surprised me." He said sheepishly.

Callan laughed lightheartedly. "Don't worry."

"How have you been?" Marcello asked.

"Pretty good, you?"

"I'm fine, just bored."

"You aren't going to Hogsmeade either?"

"Some of my friends wanted to, but I told them I didn't want to because I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with me." Marcello blushed sheepishly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe you should catch up to your friends? There's not much to do here." Callan suggested awkwardly.

"Or, we can spend time together inside the castle." Marcello responded quickly.

"That sounds nice." Callan smiled. Somehow, during their walk, they had ended up on a floor of the castle that Callan had never seen before.

It seemed Marcello had never been there either, as he glanced around in confusion, not remembering where they had come from. It seemed they had gotten themselves lost.

"Hello." An airy voice suddenly sounded behind them. They both jumped, not having heard anyone come up to them. Turning around, they noticed it was Luna.

"Hi Luna." Callan played it off cool.

"Are you lost?" She asked immediately. They both nodded.

"Someone without a destination is always lost." She told them with a smile before walking away.

"What?" Marcello asked, confused.

"Don't worry about it. She may seem strange but everything she says has meaning. She's a seer." Callan told him with a fond smile. Marcello nodded.

"What does 'someone who doesn't have a destination is always lost' mean?"

"Exactly as she said. If you don't know where your heading, your lost." Callan replied with a shrug.

"Oh, I know where we're heading." Marcello replied suggestively, pulling the taller boy close to him by the other's hips.

"Oh?" Callan replied with a grin, before trusting his instincts and continuing to take the path they were on until they reached Callan's quarters.

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