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Ever had air blown up your butthole very unexpectedly? Neither has Harry. Until now that is.

If he were to describe what it felt like in one word, then he'd most probably go with strange. It wasn't a bad feeling per set. Just. Strange.

Of everything he's had up there, a mouth full of air was definitely his least favourite, but in all fairness- it was his own fault.


"Everything alright now?" Louis asks once Harry tosses his phone to the side and leans over to get it, moving it to the nightstand together with his own.

"Mhm." Harry hums. "He's excited about helping us plan the wedding." He says while laying back, slightly spreading his legs.

"That's good." Louis smiles, moving back down and resting his hands on Harry's knees. "Out of the three of them, I trust him most with something like that."

Harry giggles.

"What?" Louis drags the word while leaning forward. "I don't trust the married ones."

"I wonder why." Harry rolls his eyes, albeit fondly.

"Oi!" Louis exclaims, knowing exactly what Harry's referring to. "That was a dare." He cocks an eyebrow. "You know I don't back out of those." He adds and taps against the sides of Harry's legs, smiling when Harry spreads them a little further apart.

"I'll never forget the look on Liam's face though." Harry giggles while recalling the memory. "And Zayn was ready to stab you with that knife."

Louis chuckles. "If I remember correctly, Zayn was the one who screamed like a little girl."

"Only because you gave him the fright of his life." Harry quickly adds, biting down on his lip when Louis squeezes his hands in behind his knees, slowly lifting his legs, pushing them back.

They are of course talking about the day Liam and Zayn got married. Louis and Harry offered to help with the wedding cake because Harry used to work in a bakery and insisted that he knew just the right person for the job.

A few weeks before the big day, Niall had dared Louis to make a surprise entry at the reception and since they were in charge of the cake, Louis thought it would be funny to jump out of it. And so their search began for the tackiest four tier cake on wheels. It proved to be a real mission though resulting in him just ordering a plain frame and decorating it with butter frosting and red and yellow fondant hearts.

He couldn't see their faces when he got wheeled in, but Harry had taken a video to show him afterward. For a solid five minutes, Louis couldn't stop laughing at the absolutely mortified look on their faces upon seeing his creation.

Liam was trying his best not to cry while Zayn craned his neck from left to right in search of another cake. Their real cake.

The looks Harry got from them sent absolute chills down his spine and all he could do was shrug. They were beyond disappointed, to say the least.

Zayn had reached for the knife nonetheless and they were just about to cut into the hideous cake when Louis had popped out of the top, causing Liam to yelp in surprise and Zayn to, in Louis' words, scream like a little girl, leaving all of their guests laughing before relief finally washed over them when their actual wedding cake got brought in.

"Wonder if they'll try and do something at our wedding." Harry thinks out loud while Louis leans down, leaving a trail of soft kisses on the inside of his thigh.

"That is why Ni's the only one allowed to help with any of the arrangements." Louis chuckles while moving to the opposite thigh. His scruffy beard rubbing against the soft skin there leaving goosebumps in its wake.

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