Chapter 20 (m)

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Jennie's POV.
"Ugh.. Shit Manoban~~ hit the fucking spot" I was moaning loudly, while Lisa pushing her big dick in and out inside my pussy.

We are making love since earlier, and i think this is our 9 or 10 rounds.

"Fuck honey... Ughh your pussy is you tight...... I love it" Lisa said and cum inside me and i went after her, we moan loudly and Lisa fall on my top.

We are bith out of breathes, sweaty and panting.

"that's was fucking amazing" She said while panting and i just nod at her, she pull out her dick inside me and lay beside me.

I was tired as hell, because of lisa but it's worth it.

"Let's take a nap" She said and i nod at her and hug her making my self comfortable.

"I love you" I said and she yawns "i love you more" She said and we both drift to sleep.

Chiquita POV.
"Come on love, just one more" I begging her with my puppy eyes.

"no, you've been  watching on your phone to much and its not good for the health" She said bossy and i roll my eyes at her.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me, or else i will not give this back" She said and i pout at her, i was like a child being scolded by her mother for to much using gadgets.

"I'm just worried okay" I nod at her "Good now, give me kisses" She said like a child and i chuckle at her cuteness, her mood change easily.

I eent closer to her and kiss her whole face, and she giggles, i hug her and she hug me back and we both lay on the bed.

"I love you" She said and start to play with my hair.

"i love you more my luv" I whisper and kiss her cheeks and she smile.

Time skip.
We went outside of the car, btw Harram is with us, because she want to go so yeah we bring her.

"i can't wait to see Aunty Jennie" Harram said Excitedly, and i chuckle at her.

Yeah she really like my mom, because mom treat her like her own daughter too.

"let's go love" Ahyeon said and i nod at her and we go to the door and nock.

After a minute the door open  revealing my mom, i hug her anf she hug me back.

"Aunty" Harram said happily and hug mom, mom chuckle and hug her back.

"Ahyeon, Lisa is in the garage" Mom said and Ahyeon nod and went to where dad is, to be honest they become more close, dad loves her more than me.

"girls, wanna help me cook" Mom said and we both nod because we don't have something to do, And i love helping my mom to cook too.

The evening went pretty well, we enjoy cooking while Ha-Yeon help dad to do some fixing stuff like I don't know hehe.

The end.

I will end this cause i don't know how to continue so hope you like this boring story.

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