1. Hooked on a Magnet

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-Welcome readers! If you haven't looked at the description, this story was previously made in my old account @Carrie-M. If you have read Telekinesis Deku before, then you will be unfortunately disappointed to know that I am rebooting the story. There are some things in the story that I felt could've been improved on, and better explained, so please, if you have any suggestions, please comment here, or on my profile!

Have fun reading! :D


Inko P.O.V

I watch as I see the destruction near the distance of the lively going city, as I see smoke coming out of one of the many streets. Police sirens going off as I make my way to the situation. I see fellow heroes flying, and running their way the same as I am.

Then I see what appears to be the villain that started it. They had this sinster looking grin. Looking satisfied of what they just started. From the looks of things, and body, they look like a male. Skinny with a burnt sleeveless jacket and a dash of orange and black hair. They start going at the crowd, which formed during the whole situation. Heroes trying their best to keep them away from the villain.

'This is always way too dangerous.' I thought. 'They could be hurt at any given moment! This is not like a TV show!'

The villain was then throwing fireballs left and right, causing more people to get out of there, and some getting burnt in the crossfire. Their fireballs then started to hit some of the buildings in the area, causing them be on fire with a red and orange hue. There are screams of people in the buildings. Yelling, screaming for help.

One of the fellow heroes fighting the villain sees me and points their finger to the building.

"MAGNETIC! GET THE PEOPLE OUT OF THE BUILDING!" He yelled as he started to use his quirk, which looked like a stretch quirk.

I ran to the closest burning building. As I ran through I look for anyone in there.

"HELLO!? ANYONE HERE!? CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" I yelled out to the burning hallway. Ash and flames cover it as I ran repeating my words.

"SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, ARE YOU THERE!?" I yell once again. I then hear movement upstairs, and ran to the stairs. That's when I heard a voice.

"PLEASE SAVE US!!" a feminine voice yelled. I ran to the source of the yelling and saw what it appeared to be a mother holding on to their kid.

"Don't worry, I got you! Are any of you hurt?!" I asked to the mother.

"Besides some burns were fine!" She replied. "But is there anywhere out?!" Her child then speak up in a soft and scared voice. "Please save us hero!"

"Don't worry! Hold on to me!" I yelled. The two looked at each other, and then latch on to me.

"HANG ON!!" I yelled as I went back down the stairs, and get closer to the exit.

Then all of a sudden, parts of the ceiling begin to fall above us. I screamed as I run to the exit before the building came down.

I looked and saw both the mother and child hanging on tightly behind me. 'Phew..they're safe..' I thought, but then I look up to hear cackling.

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