Chapter 11- Shadows Reckoned

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'My father Azrakaroth, as powerful as he was , was a fool. He trusted some of the humans and believed in something as fictitious as peace.

The humans then betrayed him and led him to his demise.

I, Asmodeus, may not be as strong as my father. But I am definitely not a fool.

The netherworld had changed as much as the human one over the past fifteen years but there was only so much change could change .

The sky was still a blood-red canvas, and torn by clouds that reached out like eerie claws. Lava rivers wind through ashen plains, while twisted, dark trees seem to writhe in torment.

Bizarre creatures with leathery wings and menacing faces lurk in the shadows, watching your every step. Echoes of suffering fill the air, the cries of souls trapped in this eerie realm. The air is heavy with smoke and a tang of sulfur making every breath for any other being a challenge.

But that is the netherworld, where Asmodeus and his other demonkind know to be home .

At the center of this abyss stands an enormous, fortress, its towering walls covered in mysterious symbols. This fortress is where the demon king resides and where the other 6 demon rulers make their sinister plans.


"Impossible! This is nonsense!" One leader said as he slammed his heavy arm on the table. "Do you really believe what this one spouts out Asmodeus ?!"

Asmodeus raises his arm in the air for quiet.

" Elder Beelzebub. I believe I recommended she be brought here. Are you trying to call me a fool?" Asmodeus replies with a cold smile.

" And please despite the fact you served under my father you will still address me by my title, understood?"

"Understood. Your Malevolence." Beelzebub muttered under his breath.

"Excellent. Now you there." Asmodeus turned his attention to the female demon. " You made mention of the return of the power of Lotuses to humankind , yes ? Does this mean the White Lotus has been reborn?"

"That would be a yes and a no, Your Malevolence. Yes the Power of Lotus have returned , but no the white lotus can not be reborn because..."

"He never perished to begin with. " Asmodeus thought out in a mumble.
"Yes it all makes sense now."

"Surely, you don't believe this your Darkness! This is preposterous." Another elder demon replied.

Asmodeus leaned back in his dark throne, a sinister grin spreading across his face. He could see the skepticism in the eyes of the elder demons, but he had a plan.

"Well," he said with a sly tone, "if my belief in the return of the White Lotus is so preposterous, I'm willing to make a wager."

The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to Asmodeus.

"What kind of wager are you proposing?" Elder Beelzebub inquired cautiously.

"I propose that if our dear demon here can indeed prove the existence of the White Lotus, she should be given a place on the council of demon rulers," Asmodeus declared with confidence.

A murmur of disbelief and shock swept through the room. It was an audacious proposition, and the elders were taken aback.

"Your Malevolence, that's an outrageous bet!" one of the elders protested.

Asmodeus raised an eyebrow and stared directly at the doubting elder. "Are you suggesting that you have no faith in the validity of your own claims?"

The room grew quiet once more, and the elders exchanged hesitant glances.

Finally, Asmodeus continued, "If you truly believe this is nonsense, then you have nothing to fear. But if by some chance, the White Lotus is still alive , it would be valuable information to our council. A win-win situation, wouldn't you say?"

The tension in the room was palpable, and the elders found themselves in a dilemma. They were torn between their doubts and their desire to see if the White Lotus truly existed.

Elder Beelzebub, after a moment of contemplation, spoke, "Your Malevolence, I believe this wager is acceptable. Let it be known that we accept your terms. If she proves the existence of the White Lotus, she shall be granted a place on the council."

Asmodeus nodded in satisfaction. "Very well. The stage is set. Demoness, the challenge is yours. Prove the existence of the White Lotus, and you shall earn your place among the council of demon rulers."

With the bet made and the stakes high, the room buzzed with anticipation. The fate of the netherworld and its rulers now rested on the shoulders of the enigmatic demoness and her quest to uncover the truth about the White Lotus.

Asmodeus fixed his piercing eyes on Sylva, his voice low and commanding. "Sylva, I need you to understand the gravity of this mission. The existence of the White Lotus holds great power, and we must be absolutely certain. Failure is not an option."

Sylva met his gaze, her own eyes unwavering. "I understand, Your Malevolence. I will not take this lightly. I swear by the shadows that I will uncover the truth, no matter what it takes."

Asmodeus nodded in approval. "Good. I've chosen you for this task because I know you are among the most skilled in gathering information and weaving through the mortal world undetected. Remember, the fate of the netherworld hinges on this.

Sylva took a step forward, her resolve unwavering. "I will not fail you, Your Malevolence. I'll leave immediately and return with the information you seek."

Asmodeus inclined his head slightly. "Very well. Be cautious, for the human world is a treacherous place. Return as soon as you have any leads. We are counting on you, Sylva."

As the chamber's heavy doors closed behind Sylva, a hushed tension hung in the air. The netherworld was on the brink of a revelation, and every demon in the room could feel it. Asmodeus watched Sylva's departure with an intensity that could send shivers down the spine of the bravest demon.

In a voice just above a whisper, he muttered, "The White Lotus, a legend buried in darkness for centuries. It's time to unearth the truth."

Meanwhile, Sylva made her way to a hidden chamber where she gathered the tools of her trade - a cloak woven from shadows, a dagger with a blade as dark as her purpose, and a pendant that glowed with eerie symbols. These were the artifacts of a Cursed Shadowweaver, the tools that would allow her to move silently and unseen in the human world.

The moonlight bathed the netherworld in an eerie, ethereal glow as Sylva prepared to depart. Her heart raced, and her thoughts were filled with the images of Lancelot, Karen, Michio, and Ai, the key to her mission. As she stepped through the portal that led to the human world, a feeling of suspense and excitement welled up within her.

The human world awaited her, full of mysteries, secrets, and the potential revelation of the White Lotus. It was a thirst for knowledge and power that drove her, and she couldn't help but wonder what destiny had in store for her.

With a determined look in her eyes, Sylva vanished into the portal, leaving the netherworld behind. The stage was set, and the suspense of the unknown gripped both worlds as her journey to the village in the outskirts of Alvarez began.

To be continued...

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