Chapter 1 - The New Partner

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"PREPARE FOE TROUBLE and make it Double to protect the world from oversleeping, to unite the new world and you awake in our nation, to announce the evils of truth and love, to extend our reach to the stars ab-"

Ash slammed his hand on his alarm. He had heard that same cheesy boring motto parody by the same two idiots Jessie and James since he was seven. Whilst he had never met them in person, he had heard stories most notably how many teammates Jessie went through before James.

Ash: *gets out of bed* (Why doesn't dad just fire those two? How did they ever become Team Rocket agents?)

Ash was in his quarters in the Rocket HQ deep within Veridean Forest. The last month or two, he had been doing the same routine. However, today was no different. Today was the day Ashs mission began.

As Ash got ready to head to his father's office, he saw a photo. In the Photo was a at the time 8 year old Ash sitting on the  back of a Rhyhorn. Next to the Rhyhorn was an older red-haired boy around eleven years old.

Ash: (I'm coming for your brother we will control the world for Team Rocket)

As Ash opened the door to his room, he clutched his head, dropping to the floor as a flash image ran through his head. This was not the first time he saw this. The same image had appeared in his head whenever he thought of his brother.

In it, he could see fire. People were yelling and running about gathering boxes and yelling orders. But there was more. A girl, a little girl, maybe five years old, crying for her parents. No matter how many times Ash saw this, he could never remember who this girl was or why he was remembering this.

He had asked around asking his parents and brother if they knew, but none of them was able to divulge anything. Ash tried to push these thoughts aside, but no matter what he did, the same image always came back.

???: Are you okay Master Ash?

Ash looked up to see a man in his mid-20s in the Team Rocket executive uniform with white gloves and boots, a cap and a shirt baring a large red R for the Team Rocket Logo on the chest.

Ash: Yeah, Proton, I'm fine *gets up* I was just about to go see my father.

Proton: Today is finally the day, huh *jokes* You aren't nervous, are you?

Ash: *glares at Proton* I am the son of the most powerful gym leader to ever exist. My enemies are the ones who should be nervous.

Proton: *straightens up* Right, of course, forgive me, sir.

Ash just rolled his eyes and walked away. If there was one thing he hated more than incompetence in Team Rocket, it was people sucking up to him just because he was the bosses son. He just wanted to be respected and not be surrounded by boot lickers as Silver would call them.

Ash: (When Silver and I take over, things will change. Team Rocket will change.)

Eventually, Ash arrived outside of his father's office. Standing guard were two Rocket agents. But these weren't typical grunts. Ash recognised a symbol on their  hats. These were members of the Matori Matrix Elites, some of the best in Team Rocket.

Ash: I'm here to speak to my father.

Elite Grunt: Right away, sir *opens a door*

Ash again rolled his eyes as the two guards bowed. He had more respect for the elites than he did for the likes of Proton or Petrel. But that doesn't mean he liked them. Of everyone in the organisation, only a handful actually treated him how he wanted to be treated.

Giovanni - his father, the one who raised him into the powerful adversary he will become.

Silver - His older brother who had set out on a journey with his Rhyhorn 3 years ago and was currently in a region known as Hoenn.

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