Chapter III

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Nillia pov:

Wherever I go, the Cullen girl is always bothering my thoughts. I tried to get her out of my head, I really did - but it just seems to be impossible.

She is a stranger to me. Thinking about her in any other way is wrong, I know that. Especially because of her mate. I respect him and their relationship, so I shouldn't be thinking about her constantly.

I don't know much about mates, Victoria only told me what I witnessed for myself these past two days. Though I am aware of Jasper, I can't help but consider the thought that she could perhaps be my mate.

The pull I feel towards her is incredibly strong, it makes me sick. I'm disgusted by myself to think about someone's significant other like that.

I failed my attempts to stop. I tried, but her smile, her eyes, I just can't. She drives me crazy with just accidental eye contact she makes with me in the hallway or cafeteria. Though she always stares at me in the cafeteria. She has not once taken her eyes off of me, not even when one of her siblings was talking to her.


I slammed my car door shut and walked towards Bella as I immediately spotted her, standing by her own truck. She was not feeling all too well, because of the Cullen boy making her uncomfortable. I mean, he's not to blame, her blood does smell intense.

"I have biology with Edward now" She apprised me while we walked through the front doors. "Uhh, good luck girl" Yesterday she told me every single thing that has happened in just one bio lesson. How he would act like she smelled as if she hadn't showered in two weeks.

I felt bad for her since he clearly makes her uncomfortable, but it was only a matter of time until he makes a move and speaks to her. "I'll need it" We parted ways and I went over to my locker.

I reached for my math book and got it out. Closing the little door, I furrowed my brows when I suddenly was met with the very golden eyes of two of the Cullen's

"Hi" Alice beamed whilst she hade a wide grin plastered on her face. "Hello" My feelings forced me to not return the smile. "You're new. Nillia, right? I'm Alice and this is Jasper" I looked up at the much taller boy, to see that the corner of his lip was slightly tugged upwards.

"Cool" I tried to let the conversation quickly come to and end, since I had absolutely no energy in talking with the girl and her boyfriend. It sort of just hurts.

Alice seemed like she didn't exactly knew what to say, more like she expected things to go differently. "So you have math class now?" She asked, referring to the book I had clasped in my hands. "I do"

"Cool, me too" She spoke in her high pitched voice. I nodded, taking in her features for the last time before I turned around, now only my back facing her. "Please make sure to sit as far away from me as possible" Her smile dropped when I as well, realized what I had just said to her. I immediately felt bad, but decided to let my sentence stay that way.

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