Acting Tough

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Lucien is incredibly Nervous before he walks into the River House one afternoon.

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Lucien was standing outside the River House, wholly nervous about what he was about to. He stood there in the cool Autumn air, feeling like a fool. Feyre was a friend. Rhysand, an acquaintance. Lucien shook his head. It still felt weird to think the words of Rhysand being anything more of an enemy, though it was true.

So Lucien did what he often did when he was nervous. He took the ribbon out of his jacket pocket and tied his hair up with it. He was still in the dress of the Day Court, which he had gotten used to, though he had on the jacket Elain had fixed by removing the wine stain two weeks ago. Her note was tucked in the pocket. It was the only jacket of his past he would continuously wear with no hesitation.

With his hair tied up, Lucien took a deep breath, fixing the jacket, and walked into the River House, as he had done many times before.

He was just about to call out for one of the two when he heard a soft voice answer him before he had the chance to speak, letting him know that Feyre and Rhysand were not here.

Lucien sighed. He had been hoping this would be a quick visit. He had also been hoping not to run into Elain during the visit.

"Will you come back to visit at least?" Lucien, only slightly taken aback, looked at her, standing on the stairs. She knew he was coming, knew why he was coming.

Offering a small smile in return, Lucien replied to his mates' question. "My lady, whenever you wish for me to visit, all you need to do is give a little tug, and I will be right there at your side before you know it."

Elain smiled, larger than he had ever seen her smile. It nearly knocked him off his feet. The sheer beauty of her smile, he had seen nothing of the likes before.

Lucien had to remind himself to control himself. The pair had only just become friends. The last thing Lucien wanted was to go back to how things were. Not after getting a glimpse of what life with Elain in it could be.

Coming down the stairs, Elain informed Lucien that Feyre and Rhysand were out on a walk with Nyx, and they shouldn't be too long before asking if he would like some tea.

He really shouldn't. He was here for a purpose. A purpose that was making him extremely nervous. But a friendly cup of tea with his mate while he waited shouldn't hurt.

After the two had settled down, with their cups of tea, Elain looked towards Lucien before asking him if he would like some help telling Feyre and Rhysand what he had come to tell them.

Lucien was just about to respond when he heard a voice behind him ask a question instead.

"Tell us what?"

Lucien turned in his seat to see Rhysand and Feyre standing behind him, the latter putting her son down so he could run to the other side of the room and play with some toys. Turning back to face Elain, he caught sight of the table, noticing she had set it for four people, rather than just the two of them.

Luciens nerves were quickly rising. This wasn't how he had planned this. This wasn't how this conversation was supposed to go. This wasn't-

Elain placed her hand on top of his own, the gesture calming his racing mind as he looked at her. There was a small tug, and his mates eyes seemed to tell him to trust her. Of course. He would always trust her. Even if she led him to his death, he would trust her.

Elains voice spoke up, and she looked to her sister and the High Lord. She informed them that she had realized that since Lucien was no longer living in the Human Lands, but rather the Day Court, it did not make sense he continue working for them as their Emissary to the Human Lands. She had only just brought it up to Lucien before Rhysand and Feyre walked in. She thought it beneficial the three of them talk about it.

Lucien looked towards Elain. Her words said they could discuss it and come to a mutual conclusion. But her tone said that it was not up for discussion at all.

Rhysand and Feyre seemed to pick up on that note as well as it was Feyre who spoke first, confusingly agreeing with Elain, saying how she was going to chat with Rhys about it, as it was not fair to make Lucien continue being an Emissary to lands he no longer lived in.

Rhysands response was more short, more clipped as he agreed as well, informing Lucien that he was relieved of his duties but was still free to come and go at his pleasure.

Nodding, and thanking the two, Lucien asked if the two would like to join he and Elain for tea. It was an awkward hour after the two accepted. Lucien still had no idea how or why the two of them agreed so quickly, yet he couldn't help but be grateful as he did.

As Lucien made to leave, Elain stopped him, seeming to have something important to tell him. So Lucien stopped and patiently waited.

"Everything is going to work out, even if it seems like it won't. Good night, Lucien." With that, Elain reached out, grabbing his arm, to give it a squeeze, before she turned around, going back up the stairs where she had come from an hour and a half before.

Looking back out the door, it was barely four in the afternoon, nowhere near night. Shaking off his confusion, Lucien walked to the winnnowing spot to winnow home. Home, it was still a strange concept to him.

A week later, Lucien was sitting for lunch with Helion. The rumours about him were getting out of hand lately. He just had to endure it for just a week longer, as then Eris should have freed their mother from his father and gotten her out of the Autumn Court.

Lucien knew his mother could not come here, as this would be the first place his father-Beron would look. Beron would probably then send spies to inform him if his mother came at all.

But all Lucien cared about was that his mother was safe. Just a week longer. That was until Helion sighed dramatically before telling Lucien he was tired and growing annoyed of the rumours circulating and getting more insanely unbelievable over the past few months. He insisted on putting an end to them.

As Helions words were setting in, and the meaning behind them registered, Lucien had no chance of stopping him as Helion was already outside, walking the streets, before he found the spot he was seemingly looking for.

"The reason the Autumn Court male has been here these past few months, staying at my house," Helions' voice carried throughout the streets. "Is not because he is here on Courtier business. He is not here as an emissary. Nor is he here because of any of your wild, inappropriate rumours." His voice was sounding every bit the High Lord he was. Lucien wished he could return inside, though the looks, and the sound of a High Lords power in Helions voice kept him rooted in his spot.

"The reason the Autumn Court male has been here is as simple as he is, my son. He has every right to be here. He has the blood of the Day Court running through his veins. I will have no more rumours about it in my court." And with that, Helion turned to Lucien, with nothing but pride in his eyes, as the public turned, welcoming, cheering.

Lucien amped his mask up tenfold, trying to appear as though he were relieved the truth has finally been revealed as well, when in truth he worried about how long the news would travel.

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