Falling Apart

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Concerns over Helions' decision sets things in motion sooner than expected.

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Lucien left after four hours, fearful he may already be too late, though he couldn't exactly leave earlier, not after Helion had announced him his son, his Heir. But after four hours, the excitement died down enough that Lucien winnowed out and to the Border of Summer Court and Autumn Court.

Finding a squirrel, he sighed in relief. Crouching down, making sure none of his body tipped into the Autumn Court at all, he spoke to the squirrel, knowing them to be far more than just ordinary squirrels found amongst other courts.

"My name is Lucien Vanserra, seventh and youngest son of the High Lord Beron. I need you to go get Eris Vanserra, first and oldest son of the High Lord Beron. Quickly though, as fast as you can. Have him meet me here." Lucien spoke, praying to the Mother and Cauldron both that the news had not reached the Autumn Court yet, as invoking his title he had since birth would not work with the woodland creatures, and they would not take orders from anyone but the High Lords family.

The squirrel, on its hind legs, tilted its head, looking at Lucien, before running off East. He hoped that was a good sign, and the squirrel kept East. All he could do was wait.

One of the benefits from being emissary for Tamlin was that he could be in any court, almost any court, he corrected as he looked towards the colourful trees. The benefit of being emissary for Tamlin was that he could now be in most of the courts without raising alarms, as he had made friendships and business relationships in them all. So he had no concerns standing in the Summer Court as he waited.

After half an hour, Eris arrived, confusion on his face. If his reason for being here were not so dire, he would tease his eldest brother for finally having information Eris did not. But now was not the time. He was here for an important reason, bordering on, if not already, an emergency.

Before Eris could ask his brother why he insisted on meeting, and so dangerously close to the Autumn Court where one wrong, frantic step, and their other brothers would not hesitate to take him to the Forrest House, Lucien spoke.

Lucien spoke, informing Eris that he had to get their mother out, and she had to leave today, within the hour, preferably. Lucien stood there, watching his eyebrows raise, even more confusion on his face, as he explained how he had plans in motion to make it happen, but he needed at the very least three more days to succeed barely, the whole week to succeed perfectly.

Lucien shook his head before explaining. "My f-" Lucien stopped himself. It didn't feel right yet. The timing did not feel right. Starting again, Lucien explained that Helion was growing rather annoyed with all the rumours and had told an entire courtyard of people in the Day Court about who he was.

"I was lucky to make it here in time before the news got here. Before the woodland creatures got the news, otherwise I would not have got the squirrel to get a message to you." Lucien finished explaining.

A glance towards his brother, he could see the restrained anger. Anger that he had to throw a months worth of planning out the window and come up with something on the spot. Pacing, Lucien saw his brother thinking before he stopped.

Eris then explained how he would bring his mother out for a walk to visit his hounds about twice a week. He could bring her out, go behind the shed, and winnow her to Lucien in the Day Court.

Lucien shook his head. "The Day Court is the first place father will look. Followed by the Night Court." Lucien explained. Now his turn to think. It took less than a minute when the idea hit him. He turned to his brother, telling him to bring their mother to Jurian and Vassa, and explain the situation. He knew his friends would not turn his mother away. "He won't look for her in the Human Lands."

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