(013) "see you around"

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- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛see you around❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌
s1: e6 angeline


THE SOUND OF CHEERING from outside causes Ant to look over at me in confusion as he grabs my hand leading me through the now empty corridor. Once we reach the garden, chanting fills my ears causing my eyes to search the growing crowd of people as they all stare up at something, or someone?

And that is when I see it.

Malakai stood on the roof of the house as he stares down at the crowd, a smile on his face and a bottle of drink in his hand. My heart feels as though it drops to my stomach as I continue to watch him, Missy comes to stand beside me and I can tell she feels the same way. "Get down Malakai." The girl shouts up at him but as expected he takes no notice.

The shouts and cheers continue throughout the crowd until they turn into the sounds of people telling him to 'jump'. Amerie appears beside us, joining Missy and I in encouraging the Mitchell boy to get down but our voices become lost in the voices of everyone else. Then I hear it, my boyfriend's voice becoming part of that crowd as he and his friends encourage it.

That's when Malakai speaks questioning the girl beside me, "Why did you even invite me, Amerie?"As he speaks the tone of his voice shows how hurt he is. "You made me bring twister and you ignore me all night."

My eyes dart across the garden watching as everyone watches him, laughs leaving them as they do causing a sick feeling to appear in my stomach. How could they all do this?

Although Malakai and I weren't the closest, since that night I had been checking up on him frequently especially after what that note revealed but I don't know any of them could do this to him and I'm not the only one who feels this way.

It's only moments that pass, despite it feeling like minutes, that I watch another figure appear on the top of the roof before they pull the Mitchell boy away from the edge and out of sight causing relief to run throughout my whole body.

As silence engulfs the garden I don't wait around to hear the whispers as I follow after Missy in an attempt to find her brother and Malakai, ignoring Ant's hand which reaches out to stop me.

Once we find them, Malakai's arms wrap themselves other mine and Jai's shoulders in an attempt to stabilise the drunk boy and stop him from stumbling over. "You're all fucked in the head. Every single one of you." Missy shouts as we walk out of Amerie's house, small guilty looks slowly overtaking people's faces as we pass.

Turning my head slightly I see Ant staring at me, his face full of regret. I was pissed at him, actually more than that I didn't even want to look at him. He and Spider had always been fucking stupid but I had never thought they would do that. "Ki." I hear his voice as he runs after us as we reach the car.

Both Jai and Missy turn to look at me and then at him, their faces turning more stern as they do, sending them a small nod as they both get into the car. "What do you want Ant?"

I lean against the the door of the car staring down at the floor, not wanting to see him. Noticing this he plants his arms on either side of me trapping me in as he tries to pull my chin up to look at him. "Look I'm sorry. I didn't think he'd actually do it, it was only meant to be a joke."

"When are any of you going to get it? It's not a joke Ant, it never was." Shaking my head in disbelief at him, his eyes search my face as if he can't understand what I'm saying to him. I move out from under his arms as I look at him for the first time since the conversation began, "I think I just need some space yeah?"

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