(017) "cherish that thing"

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- ۪۪̥˚┊❛cherish that thing❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌
s2 : e1 bird psycho


"BACK FOR ANOTHER term." I groan as Missy's red car pulls into school and drives through the gates. Leaning between the gap of the two front seats, I place my head on Malakai's shoulder. "Can't we just ditch?" I ask them, the boy quickly shaking his head.

Dragging myself from the back seats the three of us stand by the hood of the car, watching as four familiar faces walk through the gates. Harper's eyes meet mine as she sends me a sad smile, the two of us having talked a lot over the holidays. Both of us wanted nothing more than to forget what had happened to us.

Amerie looks our way, clearly focusing on Malakai but as he sends her a smile she turns away. "Brutal." Missy lowly whispers beside me as the three of us stand by her car, watching their retreating backs as they walk into school.

"She probably just didn't see me." Malakai tells us, shrugging his shoulders but the expression covering his face shows the opposite.

Wrapping my arm around his shoulders I drag him alongside us into school. "Nah she definitely saw you, all that eye contact." I tell him, laughing as he shrugs my arm off of him.

"Do you even care, after what we yarned about over the holidays?" Missy asks as she looks at him confused. The three of us having spent most of the holidays hanging out together.

"Yeah about that, can we keep that between us." He asks. "I don't really need any more drama in my life." I roll my eyes at his words, Amerie was the drama she always had been and Malakai couldn't seem to stay away from it all.

"Better stay clear of Ams then, she's the definition of drama." Missy tells him, my head nodding in agreement. As long as I had known Amerie, it surrounded her from every angle. She was a magnet to it. "That bitch is like Eris. Chaos and strife just follow her."

Malakai looks up confused before turning to Missy, "Who's Eris?"

"Uh, the Goddess of Disaster. You've got to get more up-to-date with your mythology." I tell him, the two of us smiling as he looks between us. Our attention quickly moving to the sound of a familiar voice in front of the crowd. Seeing Sasha stood on the wall, the microphone in her hand as she gives a speech.

However, I don't focus on her for long instead finding Ant and Spider standing at the back of the crowd. "You guys still not talking?" Missy asks me, having noticed the two boys as well. I shrug my shoulders as I look at him again.

"No, I think he's been having an identity crisis since Dusty left." I tell her, watching as he and Spider laugh at something Sasha says. My mind races back to the start of last term, walking through the gates and finding three boys but now there were two. Dusty was gone and so was Cash.

"Akila!" Spider's voice reaches me, making me internally groan as Ant turns to look at me. Watching as he places a gummy in his mouth, frowning as I look at him. "Ki come reason with your boyfriend." He asks me again, as I walk over to them.

"I'm good." I tell the blonde boy who rolls his eyes at the two of us. "You guys are still not talking?" He asks, both of us remaining silent at his question, neither of us wanting to be the first to break it. "I don't even get what it is you're arguing about in the first place." He tries again but neither of us answers again.

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