(029) "redeeming qualities"

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- ۪۪̥˚┊❛redeeming qualities❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌
s2 : e5 the demon king


"ARE WE GOING to talk about it?" Spider asks me, the two of us standing in the car park as I wait for Akila. I wasn't sure exactly what he was referring to, the last few days having created a lot of events to talk about.

"As in you and Missy? Or..." I ask him, laughing as his face goes a light shade of red at the mention of her name. Out of all of the possible options for him to have been hooking up with, Missy wasn't one of them. I mean I thought she was a lesbian until Ki had informed me she was actually bisexual.

"Yeah, uh, that. We don't want people to know, like so can you just not say anything to anyone. Tell Akila not to either." He asks me, lowering his voice as he takes a step closer. Other students filling the space around us as they start to leave for the day.

"I think I can do that, and Ki wouldn't tell anyone. You know she won't." I tell him. She had always been good at keeping things to herself, even when she shouldn't. "I know." He agrees, as I lean back against the boot of her car, waiting for her to appear.

"So how did the two of you even happen? I thought she hated you." I ask him, the image of him and Missy hiding in the back seats of her car this morning having shocked me more than I realised. The only time I had ever heard him speak about her was about how annoying her and Sasha were.

"I think she still does, slightly." He admits as I spot Akila walking through the gates and towards us. As she gets closer towards us, I quickly reach out and pull her towards me. Our bodies pressing against one another's, a smile immediately growing on my face as I see her face light up. "You two make me ill." Spider groans from beside us, as he starts to make fake gagging sounds but we ignore him, Ki's middle finger pointing his way.

"I know I said we'd hang out but I've got to do this thing for Malakai, Rowan broke up with him." She tells me, her hands moving to wrap themselves around my waist. "I promised Missy I would go with her." She says before I get the chance to argue back.

"Fine." I let go of her, letting her move towards the driver's seat of the car. "But that means you have to come round for dinner tonight, Mum invited you." I tell her. After the protest last term, I had told her the two of us had started dating and she seemed pleased enough that it was Akila.

I wasn't sure if I had expected a different reaction from her. After the map, she wanted us to stop hanging out completely and as far as she knew we did. Spider and Dusty being used as an excuse for my whereabouts while I was with her instead.

"I'd love to." She tells me as the two of us get into the car, and she leans over to place a kiss on my cheek. The two of us continuing to ignore Spider behind us in the back. "You can walk, you know that right? Or pass your test so I don't have to drive you everywhere" She tells him and he quickly falls silent.

"Anyways Spidey now you're hooking up with Missy, I just want you to know if you hurt her I will kill you." She tells him as she stares into the back mirror. The blonde boy mumbling something in reply to her threat, causing me to laugh. "Yeah, whatever." He says, the sarcasm laced within his tone.

I knew it wouldn't take long for the two of them to start arguing, they always did. Anything they could insult one another about they did, which left me to sit and listen to it all. I normally try to stay out of it but somehow my name always seems to get mentioned.

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