Wait what?

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Disclaimer: FullMetal Alchemist is owned by: Hiromu Arakawa she owns all the characters except my OC's!

Roy's POV

Well that was a serious turn of events.
"So Breda made his move eh?" I mumble as we walk back to the office
"Hm? Did you say something sir?" Breda asks
"No it's nothing." I reply quickly

I'm a wimp. If Breda can do it so can I. I think to my self.

Her beautiful face...

Nope, now I'm chickening out. I vigorously shake my head

Gaining weird looks from the other guys

"Whoa Roy don't lose your cool." I whisper
"Pardon Sir? We can't hear you!" Havoc smirks
"Nothing HAVOC nothing." I reply then glare
"If you say so sir." Havoc says sheepishly and stuffs his hands in his pockets

We finally reach the office where a terrified Falman is sitting at his desk using the phone.

"Falman...?" I ask curiously
"Sssssiirr..." He stutters
"IS HE THERE!?" A female voice screams
"Who...?" I say trying to recalling the female voice that sounded very familiar
"Iiitttt'sss theee Gggeennnerrall, siiirr" he continues to stutter
"General? Female?" I think aloud

After a few seconds I remember

"Shit. It's her." I growl and comb my hand through my hair
"HELL YA IT'S ME BITCH!" She screams
"Why why why!" I say and comb my hair furiously with my hands
"You?" Fuerry asks innocently

We all just open our mouths and stare at him with horror.

"NO!" She yells
"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" He says pleading for forgiveness
"Ok, it's ok little boy, I'll let you off this once but mention this again and you'll regret it!" She says calmly

Fuerry sighs with relief

"Mira that's enough. I'm fine." Says another female
"But... Let me at least beat him up." The general asks
"No. Please don't." The other voice says

Wait that voice... Riza?

"Fine just 10 punches."
"1 punch"
"No Mira please, I told you I'm fine. There's no need to punch him I promise."
"Ok if you say so." Oliver says sadly
"Thank you" Riza sighs with relief
"BUT BEWARE ROY NEXT TIME I SWEAR I WILL..." The Armstrong starts to say
"That's enough" Riza says calmly

Then the phone call ends.

"Even now Hawkeye is covering up for me." I sigh and sit down at a desk and lean on my elbow and place my hand on my forehead

*Le Tres Grand Awkward Silence*

"Breda isn't it your turn?" Falman asks carefully while watching me
"Ya it is" He says just as careful
"Well who do you choose?" Havoc asks
"Hmmm..." He thinks
"Who?" Fuerry asks
"Havoc! I choose you!" (I choose you, Pikachu!✌️)
"Me? You're on" He smirks

And so the game continues.

The three of them sit on the floor next to me in a little circle

"So truth or dare?" Breda asks almost devilishly
"Dare duh!" Havoc continues to smirk
"Ok so no chickens." Breda continues
"Ya ya ya I know" Havoc replys
"You know who's coming today right?" Breda asks
"Umm if I remember correctly the FullMetal midget!" Jean laughs
"Havoc~san! That's mean!" Fuerry says

Havoc just laughs

"And so what about it?" He questions
"I want you to get permission from the FUHER to preform a prank, on our little friend." Breda smirks

"Sure... Wait the FURHER? YOU'RE CRAZY!" Havoc yells

"No chickening out." Breda smirks even wider (IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE😏)
"Ffffuucckk." Havoc stutters
"Heheehe" Breda smirks again
"And if I lose my job?" Havoc asks
"Tell him that Breda told you to." Breda says
"You're ready to lose your job for this?!" Fuerry asks
"Yep." Breda nods
"What? Breda~san please rethink this." Fuerry begs

"Nah, honestly I think the Fuher might enjoy this." Breda grins
"I see..." I smirk
"Chicken or nah?" Breda asks Havoc again
"Uhhhhgg, shit Ok ok ok fine I'll do it!" Havoc yells
"WHAT? WHY?" Fuerry exclaims
"Maybe I don't feel like running a lap around the building with my pants off." Havoc says sarcasticly
"Right...that..." Fuerry sighs


"Well it was great working with you!" Havoc grins
"Ya me too, after all I'm going to get fired!" Breda smiles
"What?" They say in unison
"You are not getting fired I swear." I say
"Colonel!" They say tearing up
"I always knew that you weren't always a bitch!" Havoc cries and hugs my leg
"I always knew that you weren't always and emotionless asshole!" Breda cries and hugs my other leg
"Thanks..." I say out of clenched teeth and look down at them and see...

*Super Animated Kawaii Crying Eyes*

They let go and stand up

"Let's do this" Havoc says

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