Chapter 0: New school

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[Noctu just started attending this public school, and he's really nervous to start the new year. "Inkblot Art Academy", he reads on a big sign alongside the big avenue that was in front of the school's front entrance. He decides to enter and look for his class.]

Noctu (In mind): Hm... so I really shouldn't have chosen arts, I know. I wonder where the music room is located, and I'm hoping it has some quality instruments. After all, these weird public schools never have- Oh.

[A teacher has stopped Noctu. Noctu then realizes he was talking to himself and walking around the academy mindlessly. He apologizes.]

Noctu: I'm sorry, I'm new here and I just can't find my classroom. Can you please guide me to it? To be honest, the campus is quite big so... I got lost-

Teacher: Fine, fine, are you in 2nd grade? The classroom is over there. I admit I got lost my first time here as well... Anyway, you don't want to arrive late on your first day, right?

Noctu: Yeah, thanks. [Notices a student a year older with a cigarette in his hand. He seems like he's about to take a drag. The teacher runs up to him, leaving Noctu alone.]

Noctu: Well, this must be happening every day at a public school anyway. I'm late too, so I better get going.

[Noctu enters the class. He quickly explained to the teacher what happened and ran to the only spot left.]

Noctu: Great. Last row. Now I can't see anything! And worst of all, that smoking guy is also here. Why is he staring at me...? [Noctu avoids eye contact quickly, realizing the other guy already noticed him.]

(The bell rings)

[Noctu leaves the class. As he's walking home, he notices that the guy he found in the hallway is after him. He wonders what he did for his classmate to follow him all the way to his house. He decided to act dumb. He was very intimidated by that tall, older guy with long, red tentacles tied up in the back to form some kind of weird-looking cut. His strong male deodorant mixed with tobacco smell was noticeable miles away. However, he didn't seem like he had bad intentions. He just seemed... strange, sketchy if you will. Noctu decided to speed up since he was getting very uncomfortable at the very thought of having someone follow him. He eventually gets home.]

(Some hours pass by, and Noctu is busy scrolling through social media, as he always does. Having a rich family but strict parents who don't let you go out on weekdays is a pain in the ass. Noctu knows it better than everyone.)

[Scrolling through SquidXgraM, he stumbles upon a certainly interesting account. The username grabs his attention. He decides to send a friend request.]

Noctu: "Ór4k1" Sounds cool! They seem to be reposting video game content and... vaping? Well, that's weird for an account that claims to be a minor but I'll let that slide. I do it from time to time as well so... Oh!

[Friend request accepted. Start DM'ing?]

Noctu: So they accepted! I'm going to see what they're up to, they seem pretty familiar to me... I just can't tell where.

[SquidXgraM DM]

N0ctuw_. : heyyy

N0ctuw_. : wyd :3

Ór4k1 : nm

Ór4k1 : hey u up to smth?? i rlly wanna do smth yk

N0ctuw_. : uhhh alr its not anything weird or shit right?

Ór4k1 : its js a little thing nm

Ór4k1 : see this dude i know is just so hot and i wanna ask him out and shit but i didnt even start a convo w him n im very shy n stuff yk

N0ctuw_. : oh? are you a she or something?

Ór4k1 : nah bro im gay lol

Ór4k1 : oh brb my parents r fighting again

[Ór4k1 disconnected]

[Noctu couldn't believe his eyes. Someone randomly just texted him to say that? He didn't even know them. It all seemed very weird. He just decided to go out for a walk]

   || creator: thats all guys :3 its a bit on the shorter side but im still trying to figure things out -              stay tuned for more things yall :333

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