Chapter 1: Who?

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[Leaves are falling, it's cool outside. Sweater season has started. It just rained and the streets felt humid. Overall, there's a depressive but nostalgic ambient. The school bell rings, classes started a week ago. It's Monday morning and no one has enough energy to show up to class at 7 AM. Well, it is what it is.]

Noctu: Well, this school is not that bad so far! However, this weird red-haired guy has been after me all this weekend. I feel like he's stalking me, dude.

Swoomi: Maybe he just likes you! I'd do that if I saw a cutie like u~

Noctu: STOP THE FLIRTING!! Because I'm too good for you anyways - I ain't dating a 3rd grader like you.

Swoomi: Yeah... anyways, this 3rd grader is late to class, so see you on break I guess!

Noctu: See you! (To himself) ...I should go to class as well. Maybe I find a closer spot to the teacher this time. I won't understand anything back there, and maybe that red dude will stop staring at me like crazy.

[Noctu arrives around 10 minutes before the session starts. He decides to sit at a desk in the second row of seats. As he's taking his stuff out of his bag, he feels the sudden sensation of being observed. "Not again..." Thinks Noctu. "Is he really looking at me again? I'm so embarrassed..." Noctu turns around to see that guy sitting right behind him. He rapidly looks away and plays dumb, Noctu is very intimidated.]

Noctu (In mind): WHAT? He really had to sit behind me? This cannot be real. I get that I'm new here, but what does he want? Maybe he's checking me out like Broomhair said. Never mind, no way he's doing that. Why would a tough guy who's clearly straight be checking ME out of everyone...? Doesn't he know that- oh. Don't know why I didn't have that in mind before. He just needs to wait, I'm gonna get it done when I turn 16, I swear. Oh, the teacher is already here?

[The teacher arrived 2 minutes early. She then proceeded to check attendance.]

Teacher: Nocturne Hoziuki? Is that how it's spelled?

Noctu: I'd prefer Noctu, to keep it easier, if that's not an issue.

Teacher: Sure, no worries. You aren't from here, aren't you?

Noctu: I do live near Mount Nantai, yeah.

Teacher: Well, welcome to Neogaymi!

Noctu: Thanks, teacher, I've actually been living here for-


Noctu: Oh, um, alright...


Teacher: Oraki Liorne? Is that the boy who just went to the restroom? I'll just mark him like he's here already.

Noctu (Not paying attention): Oraki... seems familiar. Who are they anyway? Seems like they aren't here... But I swear to God I saw that name somewhere. Well, must be from attendance anyway, no big deal.

[Some classes pass by, and the bell indicating break just started rings. Noctu's friend, Swoomi, shows him a hidden ledge at a corner of the school. There's a hole that leads somewhere, and Swoomi jumps in with confidence. Scared of teachers noticing him, Noctu backs down.]

Swoomi: C'mon, dude! No one can see us, and just in case, a teacher helped us bury this hole, so we're chill! Come here!

[Still scared, Noctu goes down the hole. Surprised, he sees a whole secret base, like the ones you'd see in TV series. It had soundproof walls (dirt) and a very stable and clean floor! (some cardboard) Apart from that, it had some beach chairs and a small portable table with some stolen snacks from the cafeteria. As Swoomi was setting up the lights and Noctu examined the base, more people were entering. They seemed like 3rd graders, like Swoomi, and they were all wearing the kinds of clothes you would see in SplatTok y2k aesthetic videos. Noctu recognized Swoomi's older brother, Kyle, and he greeted him and asked some questions about what was going on. Kyle told Noctu the music teachers let them bury that hole to practice music in a soundproof place where they wouldn't annoy other students, at the price of performing in the school end-of-year party.]

Swoomi: Is he here yet?

Kyle: ...Nope. Isn't he always late?

Swoomi: Yeah, he doesn't give a shit about school anymore.

[A very familiar, red-haired boy rushes into the base. Noctu gasps. The familiar dude stares at Noctu for a split second, blushes, and runs away. A very weird feeling is in the air at this moment. It all feels so awkward.]

Kyle: ...And there he goes.

Swoomi (to Kyle): Bro... is Noctu "that guy"?

Kyle: What do you me- OOOH. Yeah. it's definitely him.

Swoomi: Told ya. Now you owe me a dollar.

Noctu: W-what happened...? Guys, do you all know him?


creator note: heyyy!! chapter 1 is out now, to the tres personas de humildad y capuchinos que estan viendo esto :3

uhhhh stay tuned and hit the subscribe button and the like and turn on notifications uwuwuwuwuwu

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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