Here we go again, a new list and new drawing to make and share with you.
And of course more and more of stories about Palestine 🇵🇸 to show you .
Let's the fun begin 🌹✍🏻❤️✊🏻✌🏻🤲🏻🌻🇵🇸
Day 11 Wander 🌻✊🏻🤲🏻✌🏻🇵🇸 "خذ لنفسك مبادرة والتزم بها , ومن يدري لعل مبادرتك تصنع ثورة". الشهيد المثقف المشتبك باسل الأعرج. مثل مبادرة تجوال سفر التي تعرّفت إليها عن طريق باسل والتي ما زال الشباب يحافظون عليها حتى يومنا هذا
"Take an initiative and commit to it, and who knows, perhaps your initiative will create a revolution." The educated and engaged martyr, Bassil Al-Araj. Such as the Travel initiative, which I learned about through Bassil, and which young people are still maintaining till this day .