Chapter 8: Good Luck

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We were finally there.

The 10 hour trip inside a bus was finally over. All the passengers must have had a sigh of relief when we all finally stepped out the bus. But even though I thought that everyone must be feeling a gush of excitement back then, I can't say I felt the same way.

The view around us was the view of the stereotypical city with roads, infrastructures, and even a food stand at the corner of the street. It was your typical city, however it was drastically different.

The air was a lot colder than it was back at our place. Most of the streets were slanted or sloped and not straight, which was probably why I couldn't see much people, other than students from my school, walking on the sidewalks at 8 AM on a Saturday.

After a long travel, we were already subjected to an immediate tour around the city. We were at our second stop, out of five, when I began thinking what the hell was I doing. I was alone on the field trip.

It all started a week before the trip. Bell was all hyped up about the field trip that she wrote our names on the attendance sheet as fast as she could. I wouldn't have disagreed because I would've done the same thing but with a lot less excitement.

However, on the day before the field trip, our test results from the mid-semester exam came out. I passed all my subjects but they were nothing to write home about. Bell, on the other hand, failed by one stupid point on the Math test.

If she only got one more correct answer on the test, she would've passed and I wouldn't be on this trip alone.

As I looked around me, I saw the faces of all the other students on the trip happily chatting with one another.

"Hey, did ya here? There are Class C students on this trip." I heard someone say behind me.

Even though I was an A class pupil, I didn't really have a superiority complex or any of that. In fact, if I wasn't too busy going along with Bell's everyday schemes, I would probably be the vigilante who helps the bullied students. But, I'm just the type of guy who wouldn't help a complete stranger.

As I heard what the guys said, I got into thinking. The only C class student that I remotely know was probably Charles. But it couldn't be him, could it?

I surveyed the faces of the students around me, trying to find a trace of that black hair of his. Not a minute later, I saw him. He was with a girl with a complex hair color. Her hair was orange but it was also brownish. I wasn't really good with colors but that didn't matter.

They were awfully close to each other. I could only guess that they were either classmates or friends. If they were classmates, they didn't look like how a C class person would, they could even pass as A pupils. Maybe that was the reason why no one has bullied or try to discriminate them both. The ability of camouflage  was really something.

At school, if you didn't have a pretty face or the appraisal of a teacher or any good attribute in general, then you would instantly be bullied on first sight. I hated that system, I even hated the school for assigning classrooms with respect to grades. It was unfair, but no one would speak up. I'm a bystander, so you shouldn't expect me to fight the school.

In fact, the funny thing was that you would look cooler when you ostracize a C class student. Maybe that was the reason why almost everyone in the A and B class were complete jerks.

It makes me wonder what those from the C class had to go through just to graduate with their dignity still intact. As I gazed at the duo, the girl almost tripped but was caught by Charles. The girl blushed a little as Charles held onto her hand as they resumed walking with the other students to the next stop.

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