Chapter 10: My Friend

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It was a cold and windy November the first.

It was All Saint's Day, and like all holidays, there were no classes.

My mind was clouded with a bunch of thoughts, so what better way to take it all out than having "talk" with a friend.

As far as I could remember, she would always find an optimistic yet plausible solution to any problem ahead of her. All her advice was hands-down the words that I lived by. I hope that even though it might have been a year since I visited her, she could still give me some good words of wisdom.

I was walking across a large field of grass. Unlike most days, today there were a lot of people there and there. It was so hard to find her because of how identical the marks were. All around, you could see white crosses standing upright.

After one final survey, I found the familiar spot just beside a small tree; and inside its shade was Megan's final resting place.

I ran there as fast as I could as I held a bouquet of her favorite flowers, camellias. 

When I finally made it there, I noticed that no one has visited her yet. It was ten in the morning, so her family must be going to visit her in the afternoon.

I laid down the flowers and greeted her.

"It's been a year now since I last visited you." 

Of course, there was no reply. I was talking to nobody but I was hoping that Megan would at least here me from "the other side."

I don't really think too much about stuff like heaven or God, I just believe that once your dead, you can rest happily.

"Megan..." I said reluctantly "... help me out with this."

It has been two years since Megan died, and I was still asking her for help like I used to. 

Without even waiting for a non-existent reply, I continued talking to myself.

"Why would you do something that you wouldn't usually do?" I asked before continuing.

"There's a Senior in my school named Charles. When I met him, he was a honest reserved handsome guy." 

I sighed as I continued the story.

"Then one day, during the school's field trip, he sung onstage... After that he became the talk of the whole school."

I lit a candle on her grave, as I further explained what happened.

"Suddenly, every girl fawns over him and he started being in the group of Class A people. It's not that his attitude changed; but somehow, I feel like he didn't become popular just for him to be popular."

"It feels like, I'm missing his true motive." 

As I said this, a cold wind passed through. The autumn leaves were pushed away as I was sat there.

"I hate it." I said softly.

"I hate the fact that he is just putting aside Bell's feelings a if she was just a fan girl of his."

Bell liked Charles way before he got popular. At first, I was fine with it because Bell had a chance at least. However, at the current time, I could tell that what awaited Bell was nothing short of a heart break from an unrequited love.

"He should just find a girlfriend." I gritted my teeth as my anger intensified.

If Charles found a girlfriend, then maybe Bell would finally understand that her feelings won't be reciprocated. And, maybe then I could confess my feelings.

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