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(The Male & Female Demons)



The Late Latin word INCUBUS ("a nightmare induced by a demon") is derived from Latin incubō ("this, what lies down on one whilst one sleeps") and further from incubāre ("to lie upon, to hatch"). LILU is described as "disturbing" and "seducing" women in their sleep, while LILUTU, a female demon, is described as appearing to men in erotic dreams.

A SUCCUBUS is a demon or supernatural entity in folklore, in female form, that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. According to religious tradition, a succubus needs semen to survive; repeated sexual activity with a succubus will result in a bond being formed between the succubus and the man; and a succubus cannot drain or harm the man with whom she is having intercourse.

In modern representations, a succubus is often depicted as a beautiful seductress or enchantress, rather than as demonic or frightening. The male counterpart to the succubus is the incubus.
Succubus and Incubus are one in the same. Throughout history it's been believed that the succubus would come at night and would sexually attack men in their sleep retrieving their semen. They would then transform to their incubus form. They would then transfer this sperm to women in their sleep and impregnate them in the hopes of the woman bearing a gifted child called a cambion. Thereby, deceptively spreading there species into humankind. These creatures can allegedly drain energy, blood and life from humans to strengthen itself to continue its purpose.

The basic description of a succubus or incubus had remained very much the same early on. Described as gargoy like with wings and tails, horns and scaly skin. As time evovled so did its description. In the 18th and 19th centuries it's description evolved into more humanlike imagery. However, some people that have experienced a visit from the creature still describe it in its original animalistic form.
Reports by people sufferring from nightly visits have described the interaction as very physical, painful and extremely real. They can describe the demonic visitor in extreme detail and recall being immobilized as the creature has its way. Upon its release, many victims show physical signs of an encounter and feel victimized and scared.


The enemy has through this demon of sex robbed people of their virtue, projected poison in their life, and prolong their time of manifestation. We are not ignorant of the devices of the devil lest he takes advantage of us. It is also important to understand that the effect of this discourse can affect believers so it should not be neglected.


_The question now is how is it possible that spirit being is having sex with someone, especially through their dreams? Or even physical? Look at this scripture below_

Numbers 25:1-3

Now verse 1 says, that Israel had sexual intercourse with the daughters of Moab…
Who is Israel? Israel speaks of God’s people. That is more reason why we need to pay attention because this attack came on God’s children. Based on verse 1, we saw that Israel had sexual intercourse with the women of Moab but watch how verse 3 reported their act:
Verse 3 says Israel joined themselves with Baalpeor (a spirit).
Now you see what happened. Israel through having sex with the women of Moab ended up establishing a marriage covenant between them and Baalpeo, the goddess of Moab.
So you see how a spirit came into the scene. Baalpeor is a goddess of sex. It simply means the worship of a woman’s reproductive organ. It is a spirit (demon) of all manner of sexual perversion. This was the spirit Israel joined herself to through their immoral act with the women of Moab.
Take note of that word joined. It is the same word that was used when Jesus said, “what God has joined together, let no man, put asunder”. Jesus used that word with respect to marriage.
So when the Bible says, that Israel joined herself to Baalpeor, it simply means that Israel got herself married to a demonic spirit of sex known as Baalpeor.

Now you’ve seen the possibility of spiritual marriage in someone’s life.
So through one’s careless living just like Israel, one can join himself to a spirit and that will become a spiritual covenant of marriage. And by this covenant, the spirit will always come to have sex with the person.
At this point, the spirit has a legal grounds, because the person opened up himself through sexual immorality. This problem of spiritual sexual pollution came as a result of physical illegitimate sexual intercourse in about 70% of people suffering it. Though there could be other means, but sexual immorality is the chief among them.
Another way this demon can be granted assess into a man’s life is through evil dedication some people entered into problems because their fathers dedicated them to certain spirits even before they were born. So the spirit they were dedicated to later if nothing was done came to claim ownership of their lives. Also, Polygamous roots in the family can grant this wicked spirit access into one’s life.


Being a victim of this situation can result in so many anomalies which include:

*Delayed Blessings
Disappointment at the verge of breakthrough


*Delay in marriage

*Complicated illness

*Lack of self-esteem

*Double personality



*Marital conflicts



The following areas may help you to recognize your need for being released from demonic oppression, possession or bondages of the flesh (sin):

*Compulsion to abuse animals or people.

*Sexual perversion and immorality (homosexuality, molestation, etc.)

*A compulsion to abuse your body (drugs, alcohol, gluttony, abuse, or misuse of other substances, etc.)

*Seeking spiritual knowledge through Eastern religions and other counterfeit religious groups
Involvement in occult practices (fortune-telling, Satanism, etc.)

*Mental distress or oppression (anxiety, fear, disorientation, anger, etc.)

*Psychological disorders (split and multiple personalities, paranoia, etc.)

*Physical disorders may be demon caused (Matthew 9:32-33)

*Lack of freedom or joy in the Lord (spiritual bondage)

*Inability or constant refusal to repent of sin, though you know you are sinning (rebellion).

*If you are having difficulty in discerning your problem, please seek help from a local pastor, elder or Christian counselors who will help you to discern your need and can counsel and pray with you.


You cannot reckon an evil spirit dead nor crucify an evil spirit. Neither can you cast out the flesh. You must crucify the flesh (see Galatians 2:20 ) and its desires and cast out evil spirits (see James 4:7 ).

When demons or evil spirits are cast out, you need something to replace them, lest they return (see Matthew 12:43-45 ).

You can be assured of victory over demons if you have received Jesus as Saviour and Lord (see John 1:12 ), and have received the baptism with the Holy Spirit (see Acts 1:8 ).

The Holy Spirit guides you into truth, empowers you, and intercedes for you. He also gives you spiritual gifts, such as discerning of spirits, for your welfare and that of others (see 1 Corinthians 12; Mark 16:9-20 ).

As you receive God's nature, the traits of your fleshly nature (such as irresponsible behavior, pride, and lack of love) will be replaced by the fruit of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23 ).

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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